I Can..Feel You

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Frisk was simply laying on their bed when they faintly heard someone scream for help. It was a pained and sad scream. It also sounded close but not close and are but not far. After that one scream there was a shout and a beg for help. Frisk's soul felt like it sunk tremendously as it seemed or felt like they knew the voice behind those pained screams. They quickly jumped from their bed but as they did their body suddenly roared in pain. They fell to the floor in utter pain, screaming and starting to fry the moment they hit the floor. Curled up into a ball, they gripped their chest in pain, then their stomach then side, eye, leg and head. And at one points covering their hears. It felt like they coukd gear this person's pain, they could feel it and see it. Not only that but they felt the tremendous weight of guilt and sadness weigh upon their body, almost feeling like a real weight that they had to lift but couldn't. Looking up through blurry vision they slowly got up from the floor, pushing through the pain as hard as they could, trying to ignore it and push away and as far as possible. They rushed out of their room, down the stairs and out of the house, not even thinking to put on shoes or close the front door. They simply rushed down the street, tears streaming down their face and flying off in the wind as they ran, and pain coursing though their body like electricity.

It also felt like Frisk knew where this person in pain was, as they ran in the exact direction of the person screams. Slightly knowing that they were coming close because of people also walking in the direction that they were going, he didn't threat to think to stop as the just kept running until he got to where they were going, and stopped in their tracks as their eyes widened in sadness pain and almost close to loss.

Frisk saw a sight that they thought they would never see, not in 1 year, not in 10 years, 100 years, 1,000 years, 10,000 years, not even 100,000 years or even 1,000,000 years.

They saw Papyrus, crucially and violently beating up on Sans with such anger in his expression and the words in his voice. His fist his Sans with such force that Sans let out a dry scream from screaming in pain for so long and so much. Frisk finally built up the courage to run up to Papyrus and push him away, who stumbled slightly before he could hit Sans again. Frisk kneeled at Sans' side seeing him bleeding, cracked, and barely able to breath. He was shivering and shaking so much that he couldn't even move a finger cause he was in such pain. People were also around recording the scene.

Frisk lightly tried to at least touch Sans but just got a violent flinch and a loud pained grunt in response quickly jerking their hand away. Sans looked at Frisk..or tried to look at Frisk through extremely blurry vision. His skull being extreme cracked almost shattered, pieces of his skull laying on the ground beside his head or farther away. He felt himself slowly starting to lose consciousness. Before anything else happened..in a blink of an eyes Frisk turned to face Papyrus but instead a fist was making it's way to their face. Feeling like time had suddenly slowed down as tht shut their eyes tightly.

Then in the next instant..a massive 'CrAcK!!' could be heard

Frisk slowly opened their eyes which then shot wide open seeing Sans in front of them..his skull seeming to almost be completely shattered. Papyrus fist clearly making contact bit in the most cruelest of ways...

Sans' eyes were wide..blank..and lifeless. His body going limp as he slowly fell back, Frisk shakily catching him in their arms, looking down at him with the most saddest if expressions, tears streaming down their face like waterfalls. Then screaming his name loudly. The world seeming to stop as they continued to scream Sans' name, begging him not to die and to not leave them..burying their face into his chest. Sans however didn't respond...

Papyrus gave a snicker, then a giggle, then a chuckle then a laugh which slowly turned into a laugh with malice behind it. He looked at Frisk and Sans with the most dirtiest of looks with the widest of smirks, his left eye slightly glowing a vibrant orange.

"How does it feel Frisk!? Knowing that the one close to you is the one you can't save! The most important person in your life, gone by my hand! Sans is no longer here to be a burden on me or this world! He was Never Needed!! I never needed him!! He held me down, he weighed me down!! Now I'm free!! I'm free from this Failure of a brother!! He never had a purpose but in the end..I GAVE HIM THAT PURPOSE!!!" Papyrus laughed manically while Frisk fell silent into Sans' chest, pulling him close only ever able to say one word before the rest came spilling out

" ..No.. "

Frisk said, their voice falling cold and filled loss.

Papyrus screamed his eye glowing a vibrant orange. Frisk looking back at him slowly, their tears being a dark blue as their eyes were pure white

"No is what I said to you. You might see Sans as an nuisance, you might see him as a Failure, you might even see him as a burden.. but..I see him as a friend, a partner..a person who would never let me down in any situation, a person who would carry me in the most happiest and saddest of situations, who would comfort me in their moments. To me he is a brother, more of a brother than you or anybody else will ever be. I see him..as more than a friend. He is my brother my truest of friends my most favorite person in this entire world. I would rather take on all of his pain instead of him taking on half of what I feel. I would walk to the ends of the Earth just to hug him again, I will shatter the gates if he'll it's self if it means he gets to hold me again, I will walk the stairs to heaven to be in his warm and loving arms. He the most important in my life. And you of all people will never understand it. You will never know what it means to be a true brother to someone who is most dear to you. You will NEVER know how it feels to love someone so dearly that you would rather be on their deathbed than seeing them die right before your very eyes. I LOVE SANS WITH ALL MY MIND, HEART, BODY, AND SOUL, AND YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WILL 'NEVER' UNDERSTAND HOW IT FEELS TO LOVE SOMEONE SO MUCH!!!"

Frisk couldn't help but let it all flow out of their soul. All that hurt, sadness, sorrow, and loss..but in the end..one other thing was missing and they just.. didn't know what.

Papyrus fell silent to Frisk's sudden response which felt more like a protest then a response. He didn't know how to respond to that except..raise his fist once more, ready for it to make contact with Frisk's face as he was about to strike

But in a mere instant...

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