I don't even know why I bother....- Rant 3

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I don't even know why I bother....-Rant 3

        *Sigh* I lost faith in our generation when I found out that you can't buy duck tape under the age of 18. Because we all know that all Pedophiles are under 18! Note the sarcasm. Now when you look up funny topics that you are all like "People would never ever do that!" and then you find multiple books who are all like "LET ME KNOW ALL THE FAMOUS PEOPLE YOU WANT ME TO STALK AND I WILL GET ALL THE INFORMATION!" And people are naming who they want to be stalked.

        Now now before people go off on me, wait nobody comments anyway so why do I bother? Well let me continue because these really creepy and idiotic people need to be told what they are doing wrong. So first off, it is illegal. People can go to jail for that because it usally involves hacking computers, Am I wrong? Second, How would you feel if you got stocked? Well I would feel pretty scared and keep a knife under my pilliow and one in my pocket at all times.

        So as my message goes, It's ok to be creepy but not stocker creepy. Ok? Ok. That's it Have a great day!

-Rant over-

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