🌸Miu x long distance! Reader-Bus station🌸

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(Y/N)'s POV
I was running home from school again, I was in my last year of high school and I couldn't wait to get as far away from that place for the rest of my life. It was the last day of school and then I was free until I decided to go to college.

Once I got home I ran to my bed and pulled out my phone turning it on, the bright screen temporarily blinding me before I turned down the brightness.

I opened my messages and texted my lovely girlfriend, Miu. Me and Miu have been dating online for over 3 years and I'm so excited to finally meet her in person, I applied for colleges around her area so I could move there with a reason for my parents besides to go see this person I met online.

After a week it was finally time for me to leave I got onto the bus and turned on my music and waited for the 13 hour drive to go by.

After 7 hours I realized it was only me in the passenger part of the bus, the bus driver had his own little room. So I decided to FaceTime Miu.

"Hey Miu!" I said as soon as she picked up the phone

"Are you here yet (Y/N)?" She whined on the other end of the phone "I'm getting impatient" she pouted slightly

All of a sudden the phone started shaking a lot and there was a lot of screaming before I saw my best friend Zane on the phone, she appeared to be hanging from the bars on the ceiling.

"GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE BACK YOU SHITHEAD" I heard Miu yelling at the blue haired girl on the ceiling. "NO NEVER I WANNA TALK TO MY BEST FRIEND" she screamed back. Zane than turned to me and winked before dropping the phone, it fell directly into Miu's hands.

Zane than proceeded to insist that her and Miu had to go somewhere so I let them go after saying our goodbyes.

I slept for the next 6 hours than got off the bus. I looked around the bus stop to see either my best friend or my girlfriend, when I didn't see either I got very disappointed until I heard a cough from on top of the bus stop sign.

Surely enough I looked up and there was Zane standing tall and proud. She then did a dramatic bow and gestured over to the side where Miu walked out.

I was lost for air, she looked even more beautiful in real life. I instantly ran up to her and hugged her close to me, we then pulled away slightly only to lock lips in a sweet passionate kiss.

Then Zane hop skipped and jumped away, they didn't call her the Ultimate climber for nothing.

The End

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