🌸Rantaro x Reader-Green Eyes🌸

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Another soulmate au I know XD in this soulmate au your right eye is your eye colour and your left eye is your soulmates eye colour, once you look into your soulmates eyes and realize that the other eye is yours both of your eyes turn to the same colour
(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up one morning to my alarm beeping loudly in my ear, I got up and turned it off groggily and started to get ready for school, i looked in the mirror at my light green eye, I wonder who in the world has such a pretty eye colour? I brushed my hair and ran out the door, grabbing breakfast on the way.

I arrived at school once again, the same school as always. I walked in the front doors and went to my locker grabbing my supplies for the school day as I saw my best friend, Zane walk up to me. I was always intrigued by Zane's left eye as it was perfectly split down the middle, purple on one side and a grey brown on the other, apparently this meant she had two soulmates.

Anyways she turned to me and winked at me with her pale blue eye as she said "(Y/N) I've found a guy with a green right eye and I think he's the one!!"

Zane has done this many times, she's tried to find my soulmate more than her own soulmates. "Fine I'll see this one too, but this is the last one okay?" I sternly say to her which she nods her head fast and hurries off to our first class.

Since it was almost the end of the year we had a free period in class and Zane ran across the room and pulled over an interesting looking guy, he had green hair to match his green eye, with the other being (e/c).

He sat in front of me and Zane sat to the side, that's when I really got a good look at him, his eye looked very familiar, and that's when it happened, a bright flash of light came and when it faded away both his eyes were the same green colour.

Zane squealed in delight as she got up to do a little happy dance she bumped into two boys which then a big flash of light happened and all their eyes turned the original colours. While Zane was carried away by her new found harem me and my soulmate started to talk.

"What's your name?" I asked staring into his eyes.

"Rantaro Amami" he answered with a slight smile, "Whats yours?"

"My names (Y/N)" I said fiddling with my thumbs

"Well (Y/N)" he continued "would you like to go on a date after school?"

I blushed and responded quickly "of course!"

Then after school we went to a local ice cream shop and bought out the store.

The End

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