Chapter 2

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                *Shawn's POV*

        "But, the seat next to me is open." I say kindly to the pretty girl who sits in the seat infront of me. She is obviuosly new.

"Umm, okay," she says making her way to my seat. "T-thanks. My name's Arson." 

"I'm Shawn! Nice to meet you," I tell her.

"Yeah, I-I know. I watch you like everyday on vine!"

Wow. She didn't really act like most fan girls do around me. They are usually like; "OMG!! Can I take a pic of you?" "Follow me!!!" "Are you single?" It is really annoying that I can't make a friend without them being all over me. 

But, Arson is different. Like, yeah she knows me and whatever but, she's not as excited like most girls.

We arrive at school on time (finally). "Who is your homeroom teacher? I'll walk you," I say to her.

Hi..this is my first fanfic so please no hate!! Tell me if you would like an update. 


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