Qwill's Heightened Predicament

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"What in the sweet hell...?"

Those are my words when Ryan and I make it to Qwill's house.

We just pulled up into the driveway to see Kayla and Sarah waving at us frantically and trying to divert us away from using the driveway to park. So instead we park on the curb of the road, but that's not really the main point of interest here.

Ryan and I get out of the car, and the two of us walk over to the girls. "Qwill called us?" Ryan says, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure why you said it like a question, but yes, Qwill did call you," Sarah answers, and she gets a paw swat from Ryan. She dodges it, of course, probably because she's a cat, and she successfully whacks Ryan back with a chuckle.

While Ryan recovers, I venture, "So what exactly is he doing up there?"

"Mmmmm..." Sarah and Kayla both grimace, and Sarah makes a noise that would be the vocalization of hesitation. "Uh... to put a fine point on it..."

My eyes wander to Qwill, who is wrangling with a giant roll of stringy foam on the roof of his house. He's on his fucking roof... playing around with... I can't with this fur.

"He decorates for Halloween every year, and this time he wanted to expand even more... I think he's actually stuck up there, but he doesn't wanna admit it."

Kayla snickers, and my eyebrows furrow. "And how does that help us get him down, then?"

"Oh, we usually just let him hang out up there for a few hours while we pretend to find the ladder again," Sarah shrugs, and takes a sip from the can of soda in her hand. "No biggie."

"Guys! Help me, this fake spider's web isn't gonna unroll by itself!" Qwill yells from above, which elicits a cough-concealed laugh from Ryan and Kayla.

"That is horrible, you guys," I hiss, and immediately head towards the open garage to try and find where Qwill's ladder is.

But of course, Sarah already has a prepared response. "The thing is, he actually thinks he has a ladder." She covers up another laugh, and her words click into place.

"Uh... what?" I turn away from my very quick search and face Sarah. "Do you mean that... he..."

"Yeah, he doesn't even own one," Kayla appears, along with Ryan. All three of them are snickering at this point, and as for me, I'm more flustered than anything.

"Then how the hell did he get up there in the first place??"

Sarah's face contorts into some humored form, and says, "It's Qwill, he can get anywhere without any logical reason."

"Eventually we just call the fire department to get him down," Ryan giggles. "Though I think they're getting tired of his shenanigans. I swear they're gonna fine us for his stupidity soon enough."

I give them an exasperated sigh, and pinch my fingers on the bridge of my nose. "This is... Dear God." I walk back outside into the yard, and I call up to Qwill in the hopes that he can hear me. "I'm gonna get you down, okay Qwill?"

"Hmm?" The white fox peeks his head over the roof of the house, clearly confused. "I don't need to get down, I just need someone to help me unwind the fake spider webs."

"Sure," Sarah says, and the three of them burst into another round of snickers.

"Shut up, you vultures," I hiss, and meander my way over to the tree in Qwill's yard. If I can just climb this without falling down and get across to his roof, we... will... be... peachy... I think each word as I take another step as I go up the tree. I don't want to think about how high I am right now, I don't even want to look down. I get myself about level to the roof, and I'm about to prepare to jump over to it when the absolute worst thing awakens my paranoia.

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