All For Amusement

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The next night, I'm waiting for Ryan to come home from work. Since it's a Friday, he works a bit later than usual, but still isn't too bad. I think he's trusted me enough to not drag me around with him everywhere, though I notice the knives come along with him when he goes to work each morning.

Now that I have my phone, I can actually do stuff now that's not related to the TV or my thumbs. So for a good part of the day, I catch up on all of the videos and posts I've missed over the past week. I pretty much follow other artists and music groups, so most of my catching up is liking everyone's new content and such.

But there's a good bit of memey videos that I get a really good laugh out of. Hehe, Squidward in a chair.

I would actually try and contribute to the artistic community, but I've just been kind of stuck. I haven't really been thinking about music lately, and every sort of tune I try to work on just flops. Not that I actually come up with anything decent, but... it bothers me that I can't even make a good song when I want to.

Yes, I make music. Bite me.

It's like how I am right now, lying down on the couch, bee bopping around with headphones on. As I play around with the digital keyboard, I'm humming any sort of note that sounds good.

Nothing works.

"Ugh," I mutter to myself, and shut my eyes tight. "I'm not creative, I swear."

The apartment door creaks open, and I lead the jingle of keys as Ryan walks through the door. "Hey Pup!" He calls out, and locks the door behind him.

"Ayy," I chuckle, running up to him. "I missed ya." Ryan turns away from me, and I hear the distinct crumple of paper come from behind him. There's a shiny little flash that appears in my view, and I tilt my head. "What's that?" I ask, pointing towards his back.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing," Ryan replies shortly, and brushes past me. He goes into his room, making sure to hide whatever it is from me. The wolf comes back, a certain pep in his step, and I can't help but laugh.

"What's got you all happy today?"

"Well..." Ryan pulls out his wallet, counting how much money we have. "We've got plans tonight. Thought we could go ahead and head on over there, and spend the rest of the day having fun." He flashes a grin, and puts his wallet away.

"Mmm, right, plans," I repeat as he drags me out the door. We're running down the stairs, down into the lobby, and into the apartment parking lot before too long. "Are your other friends coming tonight too?"

We hop into the car, and Ryan starts driving. "Nope, it's just you and me."

My face burns a little red. "You sure? 'Cause... I mean, I don't wanna be given priority over your friends..."

"Nah, its fine. Think of it as a date, just you and me."

"Ryan..." I growl quietly, my face growing even more red now. A date? Really? God, Mitchell, it's not that kind of date, get over it already.


He decided to put a blindfold on me halfway through our trip, and I take it with a begrudgingly heavy sigh.

"Seriously, I'm getting some really weird vibes from this," I grunt as he ties the bit of cloth around my eyes. It almost feels like the dark that was in The Basement, but... I can feel the joyous vibes radiating off of Ryan. It makes me smile. So at least my paranoia is put off for this.

"You'll be fine," Ryan says. "I'm not kidnapping you or anything. Just..." He pauses for a moment, and he lets out a gasp. "We're here!"

I feel the car swerve, and I yell in surprise. Ryan laughs as he careens to the side, and I bounce in my seat due to how uneven the road is. It's almost funny how bumpy the road is, and my voice warbles when I shriek, "This place is bumpy as fuck!"

Ryan just laughs, and after a few minutes of playing bouncy house in the car, we come to a stable stop. "Well that was fun," Ryan says with a sigh. "I guess we should get out now." I feel the blindfold tighten around my face, and then it falls loose as light hits my eyes. I have to blink because of how drastic the light change is, but then I get to finally see where we are.

"Ryan... what..."

It's an amusement park.

My eyes dart across every single bright thing that catches them, and I'm filled with awe. There's so many different people here, and all the different rides and stands make me feel excited somehow. Ryan grabs my hand, and the two of us go buy our tickets and go in. We pass by all sorts of attractions, things you'd see in the circus, and all the while I'm star struck.

"What do you think?" Ryan asks, squeezing my hand as we nestle down at a ticket stand. He hands over a couple of bills, and the ticket man hands us a hefty roll of tickets.

"It's..." I take another breath in, and turn around to face the vast venues and stands. "I... I can't believe that you took me here..."

"Ha, I knew you'd like it." Ryan pats my head, and says, "Now, I checked how much money I had at the house, so you can pretty much do what you want..."

He keeps on talking for a while, though I'm distracted by the passing families that wander around the park. One in particular catches my eye, and I subconsciously start pulling the two of us towards them.

"There's just one thing I wanna wait on until the end... what are you doing?" He pulls against my wrist, but stops when he follows my gaze. "Oh... did you ever come here with your family?"

I give myself a moment to snap out of the family that's now walking away. "No, this is my first time..."

"Oh... really?"

I laugh. "Yeah. We did a lot as a family, but we never really came to an amusement park. Camping, hiking... even just going to different places, we just had so much fun..."

I feel two arms wrap around me tightly, and I look up to see Ryan's smiling face.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says, still smiling. We start walking towards a booth that has a stack of cans set up, and he gives the guy a ticket. "I just enjoy being around you, is all."

"Aww," I hear a woman say from behind us, and I turn around. She points to our interlaced fingers, and adds, "You two are such a cute couple."

"Er... what?"

Ryan turns around too, and squeezes my hand again. He gives the woman a curt nod and says, "Thanks, though we've only just met. I'm taking him here as our first date."

The woman lets out another "aww" and walks away with a happy chuckle.

"What the fuck, Ryan?" I hiss at him, and hit his arm with a hard thwack as soon as she's far enough away to not hear me. "Why'd you have to say it like that?"

He laughs, and boops my nose with a finger. "I like toying around with you. You're quite adorable when you're angry, to be honest."

"I literally cannot believe you right now." I let out a groan, and Ryan ruffles my head with a giggle.

"Hush, and let me win you a teddy bear like the big boy you are."

"Fine, but I'm only gonna enjoy it because you already dragged me here," I huff, crossing my arms.

"Maybe," Ryan says. "But I think you're gonna enjoy it a bit more than you think."

I'm not gonna tell him that I've already had more fun being here with him than I have in over ten years. That would take the mood away from all of what's going on, and I don't want to ruin all the fun I'm having already.

"Sure, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," I say with a cross of my arms.

"Just wait, tonight is gonna be worth it."

Just Another Romance (A Gay Furry Story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now