Chapter 2

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Johnnie and I walked to my best friend MaKenna's place. Well it was more Johnnie walked because He carried me all the way there. Which I was fine with because I am a lazy 

"COULD YOU CHECK MEH PLUSE FOR MEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I sung really off pitch. "No, I shall not since that sounded like a goat being fisted," Johnnie replied back. "A goat being fisted only wished it sounded like me because I am fab,"   I replied back with 

I saw Kenna's place from a distance ( one of Makenna's many nicknames I have for her) and I didn't wanna finish my piggyback ride. Johnnie is fun to ride, not in a prevy way because we are just 

"You have arrived to your destination." Johnnie said. I jumped off his back and said thanks. Before I could leave he gave me a huge hug. This hug felt amazing; little butterflies came in my stomach. I questioned them. Why would I have butterflies from getting a 

"JOHNNIE LET HER GO SHE IS MINE!" I heard Kenna yell. "Nahh," he said squeezing me tighter. Only making the butterflies inside me go crazier inside of me. After what felt like a lifetime he let me go and I left with Kenna.


          Kenna and I entered her apartment we did the usual thing best friends did. We went to her room and got on our phones. Don't judge as 'cause I bet you do it 

"When are you gonna ask him out?'' Kenna asked me. "Kenna, what the fuck?" I replied 

"I'm just saying. You toatly like him and I sense he likes you too." I threw a pillow at her. "Stop smoking weed," "You're denying it 'cause it's true," I just shrugged it off. Sometimes I think about dating Johnnie but then I remember how many pretty fans he has who thinks about it and I just shake the thought out of it.

        "Bruuuh, lets get food," I suggested and we ventured off for food.

I think you're perfect (A Johnnie  Guilbert fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now