Chapter 1- They Fell From the Sky

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🍪🍰Hello everyone! I hope you like my story!🍪🍰

(Third person POV)
Class 1-A is a trouble magnet, they do have the protagonist in their class after all. But thankfully its been a month since anything has happened to them. No attacks, no kidnappings, no exams, nothing but training to be hero's. Speaking of which, that's what the class is doing now. The class was sparing one on one for ten minutes each while the rest of the class and Aizawa watched and commented on how the fight went. The last team up was Kirishima and Iida and the next up was Midoriya and Bakugo.
"Alright you can start when I say go.
Aizawa was interrupted by a loud booming sound coming from the sky.

Everyone looked up to see what it was but they only saw a bunch of smoke and sparks.
"Aizawa-sensei use these!" Yaoyorozu said handing Aizawa a pair of binoculars that she created.
"Alright what is up there..... I swear if it's another villain attack. OH MY GOD THOSE ARE TWO KIDS!" Aizawa says causing everyone to go wide eyed in shock now being able to make out two kids falling from the sky holding on to each other and screaming for their lives.
"Yes sir!" Yaoyorozu then makes a safety net along with a few gym mats for extra measure.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE HOLD AN END OF THE NET AS HARD AS YOU CAN!!" Aizawa commands as he quickly puts out the mats. Everyone grabs the net spacing it out so it catches the two kids properly. The kids screams get louder and louder the closer they got to the ground.
"EVERYONE HOLD ON TIGHT!!" Aizawa yells and the class holds their grip strongly as the kids come into almost perfect few. The kids are about to hit the net and everyone braces themselves for the impact. The kids hit the net making it bounce a bit along with making everyone sway a bit. The kids stop screaming and look around a bit letting go of each other as the class gently put the net down.

"Pep are we dead?" The girl asks looking at the boy next to her.
"I don't think so." Pep says getting up form the net.
"Hey kids! You two mind explain to me why in the world you two were falling from the sky. From the looks of it neither of you has any type of wings and if one of you could fly you would have done so to stop you both from falling. So how did you get in the sky if neither of you can fly?" Aizawa says looking completely done with this entire situation. The two kids look over in surprise at Aizawa.
"Grandpa Shota? Why do you look so young? Wait where are we!?" The girl says looking around at everyone. Everyone was in silent shock from what the girl said.
"I think we're at UA Kay. But that doesn't explain why Grandpa Shota looks younger." The boy says making Aizawa snap out of his shock.
"Grandpa? What are you talking about I don't even have kids!" Aizawa says confused.
"Um.... Aizawa- sensei, maybe we should take them to recovery girl." Midoriya says looking at the two confused kids.
"I agree with Midoriya, they are probably under a lot of shock from the fall." Iida says. The two kids then turn to the class and their faces go white.
"Pep....... your seeing this too right?" Kay says not looking away from the class.
"Yah... yah.. I am. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Pep says shaking a bit.
"If your thinking that we have somehow traveled back it time and are now seeing our entire family as teenagers then yes." Kay says back.
"Yep that's what I was thinking. Permission to panic?" Pep asks looking at Kay.
"Permission granted and I will do the same." Kay says before both start to scream again.

"Nope! Not again!" Aizawa says using his scarf to stop the kids screaming.
"Panicking isn't going to solve anything. At most it will give me a headache. Now I heard something about time travel? Let's start with that." Aizawa says kneeling down to talk to the kids.
"WhatTimetravelNoonesaidanythingabouttimetravelWhatareyoutalkingaboutyougotitallwrongwe'rejustnormaljr.highstudentwithnothingtohideatall!" Pep mumbles out in a panic trying to get out of the situation.

"Pep... Your smoking up again. Breath buddy." Kay says looking at the boy who was breathing out a train of smoke.
"Is he alright!?" Mina says pointing at Pep.
"He's fine aunt P." Kay says before covering her mouth.
"Wait aunt? How is Mina your aunt she's an only child." Kirishima asks.
"Spoilers." Kay says taking her hand away from her mouth before patting Peps back calming him down.
"So you are from the future then?" Aizawa said.
"Fine yes we are from the future and from the looks of it Pep and I are stuck here for the time being. Speaking of which have any of you seen two light gray backpacks anywhere?" Kay says looking around. In perfect timing two gray backpack fall right in front of the two kids.
"Oh never mind then." Kay says reaching into one of the bags pulling out a bottle of water.
"Here Pep drink this, we're lucky you didn't activate your quirk or everyone would know who one of your parents are. Still don't know how no one at school as put two and two together. Oh well they are ex—"
"Don't say that! Just by saying that will be a giveaway to who one of your parents are!" Pep says covering Kay's mouth.
"What's so bad about us finding out who your parents are?" Kaminari asks.
"We don't know that the problem. You find out who we are and we might not exist!" Kay says.
"Hey sparks.... you there?" A voice says coming from one of the bags.
" gadget is that you!" Kay says pulling out a walkie-talkie from her bag.
"You know it! Anyway... I don't have much time to explain! I think I dropped one of my mom's gadgets in your bag last night before I left. I think it was supposed to do something with time or something, but anyways! It must have gone off when you were walking to school sending you back in time! So when are you!" Gadget says frantically.
"From the looks of it 2019." Kay says.
"Let me guess, the dragons with you?" Gadget says
"He always is!" Kay says pulling an arm around Pep.
"Hi Gadget!" Pep says waving to the Wallis-talkie.

Aizawa and the rest of the class are staring at the two kids not really sure what to do but haven't said a word out of confusion.

"Hi dragon, but back to the problem........ I don't know how long it will take to make a new gadget to bring you back! I've already done the calculations and time here will be slower. For every day your in the past an hour will pass in our time. So this gadget will take a bit to make for you guys." Gadget says in a robot voice.
"Okay one, your doing the robot voice again which means your doing the karate arm thing again and you know I hate that. And two, I think we can deal with being here. I mean we already ran into Grandpa Shota and everyone so we'll try our best to not spoil things." Kay says smile at the walkie-talkie.
"I still don't have kids you know!" Aizawa says sounding very annoyed at this point.

"Alright maybe you should talk to Nezu about what to do since he's well.... Nezu and all." Gadget says in a less robot way.
"Good plan Gadget, the worst that can happen now is anyone finding anything out." Pep says making it sound somewhat optimistic.
"You.........Pep..........oh.....I'm.........out......time!" Gadget's voice was being filled in by static.
"Gadget? Gadget! Can you hear me?!?" Kay yells into the walkie-talkie.
"Kay I think Gadget's end ran out. Let's just talk to Nezu and figure out what to do." Pep says standing up grabbing one of the gray backpacks. He then reached out his hand to help Kay up. Kay takes the boys hand and gets up of the ground as they both turn to Aizawa.

"So you want to talk to Nezu huh?" Aizawa said holding the bridge of his nose.
"Yep." Both kids say at the same time.
"And your not going to take no for a answer?"
"Your not going to say anything but 'yep' until you talk to Nezu are you?
"Alright then! I'm sick of this so to Nezu's office!"
"Um... Sir? What should the class and I do when you are gone?" Iida says adjusting his glasses a bit.
"Go back to class and don't do anything that would annoy me now or later." Aizawa says walking away with the two kids in front of him.
"Of course sir! As class president I will keep the class in order until you return!" Iida says now doing his karate arm thing.
"Yah, yah." Aizawa says sounding very tired.

(Word count: 1,506 )
🍪🍰Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope you all have a wonderful day and see you next week!🍪🍰

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