Chapter 32

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Calamity's POV

"I don't think it's that! Look I think I just might be sick now and that's it. Can't we give it a few days to see if I feel any better?" I exclaim.

"Fine. I won't give you anymore than two. If you don't feel better then I'm getting you it," Brite replies sternly.

"It's probably just a stomach bug..." I mumble.

"It could also be a child growing in you from when you were playing around with your man," Brite snaps. My face heats up and I look at the ground. "Sorry, Calamity. I guess I'm just... a bit shocked you know? I just can't think of how to react and my mind is going bonkers."

"It's fine.. Even I'm confused," I answer truthfully.

"So you're just in denial that it's a child? If you didn't want a child, then why did you let him.."

"I feel ready I just guess I'm just thinking you know? I guess about other people's opinions."

"Who cares about their opinions? As long as you two love him or her that's all that matters." I look at her and smile.

"Thanks, Brite."

"No problem, Calamity."

Drifts POV

"How many are you gonna eat Jesus, Raptor!" I exclaim wanting to get to Calamity as soon as possible.

"As many as I want," He replies with his mouth full.

"Well, hurry up! I need to ask Calamity something."

"You two live together. Can't it wait?" He swallows his food and sets down the burger so we can finish this conversation without him having a mouth full.

"She's just... been acting off lately."

"Is it that time of the month?"

"No. She's not acting how she normally is when it is."

"Is she acting distant or something?"


"Then how is she acting different!?"

"She just doesn't seem like herself. She seems like something is wrong. She's been clenching her stomach often and seeming sick. Everytime I ask her, she says she feels fine just having a bit of a stomach ache."

"Do you think it's cramps?"

"Raptor, by now she's had her period enough to tell the difference between a pain in her reproductive system and a pain in her stomach."

"Sorry... Do you have any other ideas?"

"Nothing that I can think of..."

"Maybe search it up or something." He pulls out his phone and types something. I wait a few moments before he asks, "have you two done anything lately?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like have you two..."

"Have we?"

"Had sex recently..?" My eyes widen. He stares at me.

I look at him and nod slowly while stating, "Yeah... We have... Why..?"

"She could be pregnant then."

"You thinks so? Why wouldn't she tell me she was?"

"Maybe she doesn't know yet. She might not have taken a test."

"That's true.."

"What will you do if she is?"

"I'll try to help out the best I can. We're in this together. She may be the one carrying the child, but that doesn't mean I get to sit there on my ass and let her feel a bunch of pain. I'll try to help out."

"If she isn't?"

"We can always try again another time. I'm pretty sure I still have a good amount of time before I start producing less sperm." Raptor starts cracking up and I smile letting out a laugh.

"I'm pretty sure you do to, Drift."

"I hope I do! If she's not then we'll probably try this again some time in the future. There's no point in doing it once, failing, and never trying again. I have more in me. She definitely has some more egg cells as they come out every month through her period."

"True that, Drift."

"I love having a friend like you, Raptor."

"Aw, I love you too, Drift." I roll my eyes and give him a high five. At least that mess is solved.

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