CEO(top moonbyul)

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Solar POV
  Since I lost my job the last week, I am finding myself a new job and now I am walking into a tall building which is own by the rich family in Korea, the moon family, for an interview.
  After the interview was done, I went to a restaurant nearby to have lunch, when I sat down there. I saw a blonde hair girl with a black suit on keep on staring at me, I put up my disgust face to her, since I didn't like people staring at me. Not for long, she came to my table and talked to me, "Do you know who am I?" She asked. "Why do I have to know?" I easily replied. "Well I saw you having an interview in that building huh?" She said. I nodded and started feeling annoyed by her. Suddenly she smirked and pulled me to the building. "I haven't paid.." I said. "I already helped you pay." She answered me.
  She pulled me inside the building and lots of people staring at us. We arrived at the 10th floor. The 10th floor supposed to be the CEO room and the busiest office. She then brought me to the CEO room, and I just found out that she was the boss in this place.
  I bowed down my head and afraid to say anything. She smiled at my actions and said, "I am moonbyul, which will be your boss soon." My eyes widened, did she just said she will be my boss soon? Am I working in this place?
"As you put up your disgust face to me in the restaurant,I have to give you punishment." She smirked.
  She quickly pinned me to the wall and started kissing me. The kiss were a passionate one, but soon it become rough and wet. She bit my lower lip to ask for my permission and I did open my mouth. Ours tongues were with each other . Soon she stopped kissing me and went down to my neck. She blow kisses on my collar bone to my shoulder, and left red, purplish hickeys. I moaned at her, since she was making me feel so good. Then I  pushed her to sit on her chair and I sat on her lap. She helped me take off my bra and started  planting kisses on it. I let out a few soft moans at those actions, but then all of a sudden, she bit onto my right nipple and starting massaging my left breast. "Ah...." I moaned.  While she is still sucking my breast, she started taking off my pants and massaging my cloth thigh. She then stopped sucking my breast and pay fully attention to my thigh. She took my pantie off slowly and start sucking my clit. She softly bit on it, and it already drove me crazy. She also use her fingers to draw circles on my stomach. I moaned and started pushing her head to my womanhood. She insert her tongue inside me and was tasting me. "More...please." I begged. She nodded and sucked faster, harder. "" I said. Then not for long, I came. She licked all my juices and licked her lips. After having sex with my CEO, I start to feel shy around her and regret just what I have done with her. I blushed at her and bowed my head, so she didn't know I was blushing.
  "Welcome to the company, miss solar." She smiled and said.

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