Sugar daddy (Top moonbyul)

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Solar POV
"Mom! I am going now!"

"Okay, sweetie. Please be careful."

I am ditching class to go to work again. I was born in a family which my dad is gone since I am 1 year old. My mom work really hard to get me a normal life, go to school and make friends. However, I don't really enjoy making friends and going to school. Although, I don't like going to school, but I am not the kind of bitch that won't be grateful for what I have now. I want to go to work and make money, so that I can buy my mom something or give her a better life.
I walked into the convenient store near the school and changed to my uniform. I continued to work until I saw a student wearing my school's uniform got into the store. She took a bottle of coke from the fridge and gave me two bucks.
"I think I have met you before..."She said.

"Hm?" I was shock since how she can recognise me?

"Um... I remember! You are class 2A's Kim yongsun right?"

"Huh? How do you know me?"I asked

"I am moonbyul and I am from 2B. My dad is the principal of the school, so I often help my dad with his work. And you are in the list of always late or ditching class, so I know who you are."

I smiled awkwardly.

"Anyways you are coming with me to school now."

"But I am on my shift.." i pouted.

"Cute... but NO! I will pay this convenient store $100,000 for you to not work here again."

"But my family is poor.."I begged once again.

"...." she stopped saying anything and thought for a while, then she walked out the store. I was still surprised and not knowing what's happening, then a few man with black suits come in. They carried me to a limbo. I got in the limbo, and I saw moonbyul there.

"I can't just pay you money without you doing anything for me.." she whispered in my ears and I was little turned on.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You'll see..."

She brought me to a big mansion. She carry me out of the limbo and brought me into the mansion. We arrived at a ginormous bedroom.
She threw me on the bed and then she took off her clothes. She took off her upper shirt and then her pants. Not for long, she was left with only her sport bra and pantie. I look at her abs, and my saliva were dripping down.
"Like what you see?" She smirked.
I ashamedly bowed down my head and she forced me to look at her. She kissed me and sucked my tongue. I was shock by this sudden move and I moaned out a bit. She then sucked my tongue harder which I moan louder as well. While I was enjoying her kisses, her hand slide down to my breasts, she softly massaged my clothes breasts. She then squeezed it harder, and I couldn't help moaning more. I enjoyed it so much which I don't even remember that I just met her. Then she stared at my clothed thigh, she lightly pulled off my pantie. I took a deep breath and she stroke my hair softly.
"Don't worry. It is going to amazing." She said.
  She sucked on my clit and lightly bit it with her teeth.
"Couldn't imagine you would taste so good.." she said while still sucking my clit. I can see her mouth is all wet.
  Seeing her sucking my clit and making me feel good from above, I got really shy. She look super serious and of course hot.
  When I am still thinking of how hot she is, she attacked my womanhood. She inserted her tongue in me and kept pulling it in, out.
  This is my first night, and it probably will be the best night also. The feeling she gave me, is so enjoyable.
"AHH...I am CUMMING!" I said, after that my liquid came out. Moonbyul then licked all the juice to kept me clean.
"So, you are going to be my sugar baby from now on."
  I couldn't reply but nodded my head slightly. Then I fell asleep, since I was so tired from my first night.

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