The Kid With the Dragon

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Like Will had said, we left first thing in the morning. At least, not before taking advantage of breakfast. None of us had eaten since the night before, and we were all starving. After our bottomless pancakes were done, and our cups were full of tea and coffee, we all set out on the road again.

This time, it was silent. The car ride lasted only an hour. Oliver spent the time looking for licence plates with "kk" on it, Will was busy driving, and I was busy thinking, headphones in my ears.

This time, I was listening to a song about a wife getting revenge on an abusive husband. The song made a knot appear in my stomach, as the lyrics told about a shotgun rigged to go off when the front door opens. I skipped the song as soon as it came to that. It was too much for me at the time. I was conflicted about my own morals. Did I enjoy killing my own dad? Or was I just relieved to be away?

I then listened to a song about loving someone so much you'd go to hell with them. That made me feel better.

Before I knew it, Will had turned to a gravel road. The bumpiness of the road and the slow car caused anxiety to shoot through my heart. What if she got lost? What will she do to me? I flinched at the thought, I could almost hear the hands slamming down on the dashboard, yelling about how I was a distraction. I could hear it so vividly, and the bumping around made it worse. Turn up your music. Turn it up. I squeezed my eyes shut, and the car stopped. That caused my anxiety to get worse. Oh no. Oh no Oh no she was gonna get mad at me. I was so done for. I-

"Luna?" Oliver's voice rang through my brain. They snapped their fingers and waved their hand in front of me. "Luna are you okay..? You're shaking." Their tone was calm. I opened my eyes.

"Eh?" What was I supposed to say? It was so stupid of me to get all worked up over a gravel road. I nodded. "N-nervous.." I breathed with a forced smile. They didn't seem to believe me, but nodded. I exited the car and grabbed all my stuff.

The fences were old and obviously hadn't been painted in a while. The sign at the entrance said "Camp Half-Blood" in Greek letters, that I could read with a simple adjust of my glasses. When did I ever understand Greek, I had no idea. Oh well. At that point, nothing surprised me. Despite the rugged look of the entrance and fencing, the camp was pretty nice. Given, I was too poor as a child to go to summer camps. This was the closest thing i'd get to Camp Rock. I took my time examining everything, but my eyes were glued to the woods nearby. I liked the woods by my old house, maybe I'll visit these woods more often.

Something caught my eye above me, and I looked up. On the top of my head, glowing a soft lilac color appeared to be a target. A small circle, inside two more rings. I wondered what that meant, not knowing the explanation. "Eh?" I let out a confused noise. Oliver and Will glanced at each other. The shorter of the two grinned and held out their palm. Will rolled her eyes and gave them a bag full of coins.

"What was that about?" Were they serious fucking betting on me?

"Nothing." Oliver grinned. They pocket their coins. "Anyway, you just got claimed. I think that's the fastest I've seen it."

Will nods. "I gotta go tell Chiron and stuff, update him. You do social stuff. Show her to the Hypnos cabin, get her cassette fixed and make her a weapon." Will waved her hand and headed off, toward a large house in the distance. I glanced toward Oliver.

"So... Hypnos, huh. That's my dad?" I asked them as they began to lead me towards a quaint looking cabin.

"Yep. And this is where you're staying." He opened the door, and revealed a cozy, sleepable looking cabin. The place was decorated with lilac walls, a dark floorboard, comfortable looking furniture, and had a pleasant scent of chamomile, lavender and vanilla. I smiled. Perfect. I set my stuff down, but still carried the cassette player gingerly in my hand, my headphones around my neck. "So... This." I gesture to the old device.

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