Poisoned Pockets!

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((Yo kind of important! I edited some of the previous chapters to add more detail into Luna's character and her inner thoughts. This chapter wont make sense unless you re read chapters 2-10. Thanks! ✨)

The four of us kept an eye on the church until the night before the winter solstice. We checked for any sign of Isaiah in the street, and went inside the church every day. Every head of neat black hair was stalked thoroughly until we were sure it wasn't him. There wasn't any sign for the first day or so, which on the one hand, yay! But on the other hand, it meant Isaiah was planning.

Eventually we decided that we needed to stop guarding the chalice and destroy it instead. We intended for it to be a quick mission, wouldn't take more than an hour. I just wore my hoodie and some jeans, Will and Oliver just wore warmer clothes. Leo, however, continued to wear that stupid button down/orange camp shirt combo, because the lucky bastard just didn't get cold.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets the moment we stepped outside. The wind was bitter, even in my hoodie I was still shivering. Somehow, Oliver and Will were fine. They too were lucky bastards.

I felt something in my pocket. A small bag, maybe a gram bag. I stopped and went pale. I hadn't worn this hoodie since I killed Allen.
It couldn't be, right?
I pulled my hand out, gripping the bag. Sure enough, I was met with white barium powder.

I swallowed hard.

"You good Lulu?" Oliver asked me, looking back to see why I stopped. I smapped by head back up, and sniffled a bit. The cold caused my nose to run a bit. This wasn't ideal weather for me, in case you couldn't tell.

"Y-yea... I.. I just thought I saw a rat." I lied, catching up to the group and placing the bag back in my pocket. Everyone seemed to be happy with my answer, considering I was from Rhode Island; I didn't really see rats in the street. Will, however, gave me a look. She didn't believe me, it was in her maternal instinct not to. She didn't confront me in the moment, however. She just turned around and kept walking.


The church sat in between an AT&T building, and a subway. It stoot out from the rest of the block, because of it's gothic architexture. It was surrounded by modern, sleek buildings. It was like everything was built around the church.

"You guys go ahead and check. Luna and I need to talk girl stuff." Will said to the others, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. The two headed inside the second they heard "girl stuff."
I looked towards Will, wanting nothing more to get out of the freezing cold.

"You didn't see a rat." She had me backed up against the pillar of the church, I couldn't escape her mom-like glare. I felt like a child who just got in trouble for playing with her mom's makeup. I couldn't exactly pinpoint the reason why I was so nervous. She wasn't like Allen, it couldn't be that. But her tan eyed gaze seemed familiar, and scary.
"Had you seen a rat, you would have put it down your shirt to warm it up by now. What happened?" Will knew me too well, damn it. I muttered a soft "fuck..." Under my breath and fessed up.

"I... I realized I still had my poison on me." My teeth chattered, but she still understood me.

"Why would you have poison?" Will asked, her brow furrowing. I glanced up at her eyebrow piercing, then to her septum ring. Anywhere except her eyes.
I never told her about Allen, I realized in that moment that the only person who really knew what happened to Allen was Leo. I cursed again.

"L-look.. Long story short I killed the person I thought to be my dad. He... he was beating me and I couldn't take it, I... killed him. The day day you rescued me. Okay..?" I didn't look at her, I instead examined the yellow stitching along my boots. Will took my chin in her hands gently, and tilted my head to look up at her. She was warm, not in a way like Leo was. It was more mental than anything. She just radiated sunlight.
Fucking Apollo kids.

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