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My name is Alex Skydra. My twin sister, Laci, and I, along with hundreds or other 15 year olds, have to take a test.

Not any normal test though.

It basically chooses the rest of your life.

It picks your supernatural type.

When you take the test, you get a supernatural ability chosen for you based on your results.

There are different classes you can be in for each 'power/ability'.

There are tests and competetions to see what schools are the highest in strength, intellegence, and even more. Based on the scores, are how schools are ranked/payed.


There is an exremely rare type of person. One that hasnt been seen in over 7 years...

Until now.

They call them "Black Stars".

Black stars have the abilities every type of supernatural has.

They are the un-natural of supernatural.


The most popular types of supernaturals for someone to be are Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches.


Its time to take the test.


This is my original story, characters and story created by me, so please dont steal cx.

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