Chapter 2

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Your Pov

It's Tuesday morning and I'm lying on my desk as Sana and Dahyun but also Jeogyeon and Nayeon are cuddling around me. Ahhh I couldn't care less as she was stuck in my mind.

I still can't get her out of my mind, Mina. A real life Angel huh? Was I being too harsh? I have to see her soon.

"Yooo Y/N! Did you hear? Theres a new girl coming and I heard she's hot asf." Chaeyoung shouted excitingly. "Come on let's go see her!"  

"Fine." I grumbled as I was still half asleep. I pulled myself to the front gate. There was already a crowd of people gathering. I couldn't see who it was so I decided to leave. As I walked away I heard the familiar sweet voice call my name. 

"Y/N!!" Mina yelled out of excitement as she pushed through the pool of people to get to me. She flashed me her bright gummy smile as she went and held my hand. 

"Mina!! You sure are popular. You're really here..."  I was at a lost for words "Of course! I wanted to start fresh with you, love is a process after all. Don't worry I love only you!!" Mina said. 

All of the attention was on us now, I could feel jealous stares and hear whispers from students around us.

"Omg is Y/n dating the new girl?" 

"Damn I really wanted to get with her." 

"They would make the most good looking couple in school!" 

I hate rumours and people gossiping when they know nothing about me. I'm also afraid that Mina will be pulled into drama and I would hate for boys to be hitting on her all the time. So I lifted her up, carrying her like my princess. 

As I carried Mina to the secret library where we met yesterday, my head suddenly fell into pain. I could hear this voice telling me "Y/N, carry me again! This is so fun!" Then I saw myself inside a flashback laughing along and theN I kissed a girl on the forehead while she was in my arms.

Is this a forgotten memory? Who was that girl? All of this was happening inside my head while carrying Mina. Impossible, It's probably just a scene from movie. I've dated no one and this is the first time I've ever carried anyone before. 

Mina's Pov 

I did not expect Y/N suddenly to carry me like this! Hopefully she doesn't regain her memory of us in the past. I could feel her thoughts and I know her head is in a pain of a forgotten memory. 

Oh how I loved when she carried me. I really missed this. I'm so sorry baby, just hold on and I'll reveal when you're ready. 


Still Mina's pov

We're at Y/N's house, it's 1am. "Mina!! Go to sleep, your assignment can wait till tomorrow morning. It's late and I'm sleepy." Y/n whined. 

"Awhh my cute girlfriend is sleepy, just go to bed first and I'll be there with you soon." I said as I wanted to finish this project so I could spend the whole day with y/n tomorrow.

"Noo, we have to go to bed together, here let me help you Minari." Y/N protested. How could I say no to her? It's either yes or yes.

We finished by 2am and I was dead tired, I almost fell asleep on the floor but then Y/n scooped me up in her arms. "Don't push yourself too hard Mina-Chan. I'll always be here when you need me the most"  Y/n said as she laid me gently on the bed.

 I opened my arms and she immediately went to hug me.

We both feel drifting asleep. Nothing could bring us apart, we'll be together forever. 

Or so I thought. 

Present Day

"Hey Mina! You good?"  Y/n asked. I snapped back to reality. "Oh mhm yeah I'm fine." I replied shyly while blushing. 

"You know when I was carrying you, I felt like I've done that before. What a warm moment, must be deja vu or something. Don't worry, I'll do it again if I have to. From today I'll take the responsibility to always be here when you need me the most." Y/N explained. 

I'm so glad she hasn't changed one bit. I could feel my tears stream down my face. I'm so happy to hear those words again. 

"OMO MINA, why are you crying? I'll bring you out for ice-cream so please don't cry. Sorry I was  selfish before, was it something I said?" Y/n asked worryingly

"You did nothing wrong, you're finally agreeing to be with me instead of running away. And yes I would like some ice-cream." I said 

"Great! Then it's a date! I'll bring you to your class, which department are you in?"  Y/n asked. 

"The dance department. Also before you introduce me to your friends. Don't tell anyone that I'm an Angel, if they believe it then I will have to be sent back to heaven." I explained seriously. 

Y/n nodded and off to class we went. 

Your Pov

I asked Mina on a date, but it's not like I want her to be my girlfriend or anything, it's to see if I like her or not. Plus we've only known each a day. Even though she may know everything about me, I wanna get to know her. 

This is all crazy I know, but when I'm with her she completes me.

Boys were looking at Mina left and right. Many of them approached her trying to introduce themselves but Mina just hid behind me. Damn she's really shy.

"Y/N who's that girl behind you?! She's kinda cute." Sana asked out loud. Dahyun then immediately glared at Sana. "You Snake!" Dahyun said madly then she stormed off. 

Mina then walked up to Sana then with a serious but empathetic look on her face said "Sana chase after her and tell her how much you love her before its too late. Trust me, I know." Sana ran out the classroom faster than light. Well I guess we won't be seeing them for the first period. 

"Y/N are you dating Mina? How do you guys know each other?" Chaeyoung and Nayeon asked. Mina face became flustered. "Actually she's a friend of mine from Japan, we met yesterday at a library. And no, we are not a thing."  I explained

Everyone introduced themselves to Mina as they were more than excited. 

"Hello Mina, My name is Tzuyu, let's be friends."

"Hey Mina, I'm Momo. I'm from Japan too. Do you have food?" 

"I'm Nayeon, you're pretty but I'm prettier." 

"Hi Unnie! I'm Chaeyoung I may be smol but I'm strong!" 

"Wassup Mina, I'm Jungyeon, don't listen to anything Nayeon says, she's delusional but I still love her anyway." 


"Waaaaa, I'm sorry baby, you know I only state the facts and the fact is you're the prettiest girl on this Earth." Jungyeon said smoothly. "Fine you forgiven my Pabo" Nayeon said while pouting.

Mina burst out laughing at these idiots who I call my best friends. It was the first time I've ever seen her laugh that hard. Oh god it's the cutest laugh I've ever heard.

I have a good feeling about you Minari. :)


MY ANGEL - Mina X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now