Chapter 4

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Your Pov 

"Okay, I'll stay." I said gently. 

I can't even turn around and look at her. What the hell am I being so shy for? Pull yourself together y/n. She's just a girl, yeah... just a girl who's attractive, has the purest smile, beautiful in all ways. 

Arghhhh stop that! 

Mina grabbed onto the sleeve of my shirt, pulling me to turn around. "Hey is something wrong y/n?"she asked. "I didn't know where you went so I decided to explore the school and found myself dancing here." 

"Well don't let me stop you!" I spurred out. Why am I such a stuttering mess today? Okay calm thyself. Confidence is key. 

"Here Mina, I brought you bread. Eat it and regain your energy." I calmly said. 

I handed her the bread and she held it for a while. She held it with so much care in her small hands. Her faced look so surprised but also so happy while staring down at it. Then it shot me through my heart. 

Her smile shot me. 

It was the happiest smile I have ever seen anyone give me. Phew I thought she was going to cry again.

"Um Mina? Have you never seen coffee bread before?" I asked while trying to break the silence. 

"I haven't seen this in so long, I use to eat them everyday with yo- I mean thank you y/n, I'll eat it well! Please continue to take care of me!" She replied. 

"Hehe of course." Yeah that's right, Mina still needs me, when she leaves and find other friends then that's okay for me. I'm nothing special, nothing special at all. Just a loser who's good looking.

I promise I'll protect her until then. 

Mina's Pov

Coffee Bread, it's Y/N 's favourite type of bread. 

I missed this 

I missed her


"Minariii! Are you done yet?" Y/n said while hiding something behind her back. 

"Yeah I've finished practicing my dance choreography. What that you got behind you got behind your back? Not suspicious at all hehe" I asked 

"Bread, Coffee bread, here try it." Y/n offered it. I'll accept anything that y/n gives me and so I took a big bite out of it. Wow the flavours are bursting out, it tastes delicious." 

"This is really Good!" I exclaimed while happily munching down on the bread.  

Y/n's eyes filled with excitement, "It's my favourite, I'll buy you one everyday, and everyday will you smile just like how you did before?" 

"You don't need to buy anything to make me smile, you're enough y/n." 

From that day onwards, y/n kept her promise, everyday at school she would fight to get the last piece of coffee bread for me. Everyday we eat it like it's just one of the silly things we do. It became our thing and nothing could take me away from that. 

Away from the warm memories that y/n would give me. Away from loving her. I should of treasured small moments like this. 

"Hey Mina you got some bread on your lips." Y/n pointed out. "Here let me." She was so focused on removing the crumbs from my mouth that she doesn't realise how close we are. Oh god I can just kiss those lips right now. 

I leaned in closer and placed my lips on hers, slowly she kissed me back and I was in bliss. This wasn't the first time we kissed but it's the first time I was ever brave enough to make the first move. 

Oh god Y/n, I'm so in love with you and I'm so sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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