Chapter 3

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Your Pov

When Mina entered the classroom, all heads turned to her. She went to the front of the class and introduced herself. 

"Hello Everyone, My name is Myoui Mina. I'm a student from Japan and I hope we can all get along!" She said with a bright smile but I wished she would only show that to me.

"Wow you're so pretty!" 

"Mina sit next to me!!" 

"Mina are you single?" 

Students were all bickering but the last comment made me furious. To my surprise Mina replied to that person. "Yes I'm taken, my heart belongs to Y/n and Y/n only." 

My heart definitely melted but I didn't want any attention and so I waved my hands around whild shaking my head. "No, no everyone. We're not dating!" I yelled trying to clear up the misunderstanding but then Tzuyu yelled from the back "Coward!" 

I shoot her a glare and she poked her tongue out of me. Tzuyu's right though, I am scared. 

Mina walked over and sat next to me. Halfway through-out the class, Mina tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey y/n, what are we learning? I haven't been to school in ages and I don't remember much." 

Wait a minute, she went to school? Angels go to school too? Strange but like bruh I myself don't even know what's going on in class half of the time cause holy shit calculus is hard but if it's for Mina then I'll try my best to explain it to her. 

"Sure Mina-Chan I'll help!" Suddenly she leaned closer to me to as I was explaining, her scent it's so sweet. 

Why the hell does it smell so familiar?

I'm screaming on the inside right now oh lord, Mina's so close, so close I could just kiss her. I can now see every fine detail of her face up close. If she catches me blushing it'll be the end of me. 

"Okay I got it!" Mina smiled and rushed to complete her paper. 

As she was concentrating so hard doing her work I noticed that she always sticks out her tongue when she's focused. It's so cute :) 

"Done!" Mina excitedly jumped out of her seat and run up to the teacher. "Please mark this Miss." The teacher looked shocked and the whole class was staring at her. 

"You got everything right Mina, you're a fast learner." Our teacher said. Wait wtf, she got everything correct thanks to my lousy explanation? I can't even do the work without struggling myself! 

Mina then smiled and jumped up and down clapping. "Y/N! Look! I did it!" She shouted, everyone's eyes was now on me but I didn't care. I'm proud of her. I gave her a smile and a thumps up. 

The bell rung for lunch and holy shit I gotta run to the canteen before someone steals all the coffee bread. I zipped out of the classroom quickly and ran as fast as my legs could go but then I heard someone running after me. 

I turned around and it was Momo, she looked so fierce with fire in her eyes. "I gotta get THE BREAD" She yelled while running. Oh my god that girl is scary I'm going to shit my pants. As she overlapped me she gave me a wink and said "Nice try y/n." 

MY ANGEL - Mina X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now