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So maybe I thought the weekend was a time to avoid Nolan and the approach of the parade. And it would he been too if my mother hadn't decided to turn me into her errand boy.

"The store is only about a ten minute walk from here, you've done it plenty of times, and I only need butter and sugar."

"Mom, why did you even start baking without those key ingredients?" It was Sunday evening and I really wasn't in the mood to walk all the way to the store to help my mom make her classic burnt cookies that my dad pretended to enjoy.

"I just assumed we had them and started baking anyways. Now be a good son and go to the store for you mom."

It was just as I was getting my shoes on that my dad noticed me and walked into the entryway.

"Where you going, Luke?"

"Just to the store for mom. I guess she needs butter or something." I was struggling with the knot on my shoe, and when I looked up, dad was frowning at me.

"It's getting kind of late."

"I know, but mom's mom and when she wants something she'll get it." I laughed, but he was still frowning.

"It will be dark before long."

"Yes, which is why I'm going now." Something in his voice made me defensive. I didn't even want to go in the first place, but I suddenly felt the urge to fight against whatever argument he had against me going.

"I don't know if I want you going out this late at night."

"It's not even night, dad. I'll be back in no time." I shot a smile his way, walking towards the door.

"Luke." The stern note in his voice caused me to turn around and look at him. "I don't want you going out this late alone. If the car wasn't getting serviced, I'd just drive there. And your mother would never let me walk that far on my bad leg. Where is Chris? Can't you take him?"

"As surprising as it may be to everyone who lives here, Chris has a home of his own, and I think he is there tonight." Actually Chris was going to meet up with Alejandro, and I was dying to know how it was going.

I could see my mother hovering in the background, shooting worried looks between my father and I.

"Looks like it's just me." I said, trying to lighten the mood, but my father continued to look down at me in that over protective way.

"I don't want you walking alone this late in the evening."

"Why? I'm a sixteen-year-old boy. I'll be perfectly alright walking through a quite neighborhood."

"I know, but I still think—"

"What do you think is going to happen to me? Do you think I'm weak?" I was angry, and I knew I shouldn't be. This wasn't something to get this worked up about. My mother looked on the verge of tears, and my father looked just as confused about my anger as I felt.

"Luke, I have never once thought you were weak. I just want you to be safe. You're still my little—"

My eyes blazed in anger, daring him to say the next word. He stopped suddenly, anger slowly leaving his face as he looked at me. Maybe it was the tears in my eyes that caused him to step forward, eyes softening in surprise. It had been a while since I cried this easily.

"I'm g-going to the store. I'll be right back." And with that, I rushed out the door.

The evening wasn't cool enough to soothe my hot skin. I felt the frustration and anger stifle me as I tried to walk faster than my thoughts.

Why was I so angry at him? He was acting over protective, but he was just being my dad. Maybe it was because he was treating me like a child. Or maybe I was so angry because I was already confused and angry about so many other things. Like my feelings for Nolan.

I couldn't deny them anymore. You didn't just freeze up or blush about anyone. No, I liked Nolan, and according to Chris, he liked me. Could that be possible? What did he see in me?

I rubbed my eyes furiously, already ashamed at my outburst, and wishing I had stayed behind and made things right with my dad before I got mom's groceries. Sighing, I continued my walk with my hands stuffed in my jean pockets.

"Luke? Is that you?"

I turned sharply in the direction of where his voice had come from. His warm grin and bright green eyes met my startled gaze.

"Hey, are you okay?"

For a second I want to make up an excuse for my red eyes and obvious despondency. I wanted to laugh it off and maybe even look good in his eyes. But I wasn't that good of an actor.

He was standing on the inside of the white gate that led into his family's small, white house. I stepped closer on the sidewalk, standing close enough to the gate to see the flecks of blue in his eyes.


And then, I burst into tears.

Of all the things I imagined happening when I saw Nolan next, this, this would never have come to mind. I couldn't make myself look all the way up to see the expression on his face. There was a momentary pause, where I debated if I should start running, then, I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I just shook my head where it now rested on his chest, and I felt him exhale slowly. It was calming in a way. To feel his steady breathing while I was struggling with my own.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me. But don't worry, Lu. It'll be okay. I know it will."

"I-I'm sor-ry!" I got out between breaths and his chest vibrated with his soft chuckle.

"Don't be. It happens to all of us. Even me." I looked up at him in surprise, and he laughed again, his eyes almost closing when he did.

"Don't act so surprised. I've cried in way worse scenarios than this. Just last year, I was in the middle of class and..."

He kept on telling embarrassing stories about himself until my tears had turned into smiles, and all thoughts about my outburst earlier forgotten. I didn't even notice that his arms were still wrapped around me, or that mine had somehow worked their way around his waist.

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