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"Oh my God! He was so cute! And his accent is just way too adorable! And we've been talking all month, but last night I asked him to be my boyfriend, and he said yes!"

"I'm so happy for you, Chris! When do I get to see him?" Chris was literally glowing. I hadn't seen him this happy in a long time.

"He's coming to your house tonight, actually. I told him he needs to meet my best friend. He probably remembers you from school."

"Oh, do you think so?" I didn't want to be remembered from school last year. Or from anything last year.

"He will like you." Chris reassured me, his warm smile calming my nerves a little.

"Wait, why is he coming to my house?"

"Because your parents like me more than mine do, and I want him to feel at home." Before I could turn it into anything serious, or ask him how he was doing with that, he changed the subject.

Five minutes later and he was still going full speed, talking mostly of Alejandro and little else. He was totally whipped.

"And he talks about his older sister, like, all the time. It's so cute. I don't think I've met any other guy who loves and respects his older sister as much as he does."

I didn't even notice that someone has walked up to our table, unlit I heard a quite cough, and turned my head in the direction of the sound.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting." His smile was contagious, his eyes as kind as they had been last night.

"Not at all. Pull up a chair." Chris was quick to reply, but Nolan just shook his head slightly, looking over at me.

"I've already eaten my lunch. I just came to ask you how you are doing today."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Chris staring at me in shock and concern, but I had eyes only for the man in front of me.

"Much better, thank you." He smiled again, his hands twisting together as if he didn't know what to do with them. Nolan has never struck me particularly as being shy, but right now, he definitely was.

"Good, I'm very glad. I hope I wasn't too...forward last night. I didn't mean to be so familiar, but I'm not very good at helping when people cry." He let out a short laugh, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm sorry that I just burst into tears all over you like that. You weren't forward at all. I wanted to thank you last night, but didn't know how."

Now Chris was really interested. He leaned forward slightly, lips parted as his eyes shifted between Nolan and me while we talked.

"There's no need to thank me. I'm glad you thought you could come to me, even if it was just to cry. I hope you know that you can come to me whenever you need to. I'm here for you."

I don't really remember what I said. I think I stuttered out a thank you before he smiled and walked away towards the lockers. Part of me want to jump up and follow him, but I didn't act on it, and turned to Chris instead.

"W-what happened last night? And are you okay? Why were you crying? You didn't tell me!"

"Chris, it was just something stupid. With my dad. And I didn't tell you because you were so happy about your night with Alejandro."

"I expect to hear all of the details about this later, but right now that doesn't matter. Do you really think he doesn't like you now?"

I remembered how it felt when he wrapped his arms around me last night. The nickname that slipped out as he tried to comfort me. The way he was looking at me today.

"I...maybe he does...but maybe he just wants to be friends?"

"Oh, come on, Luke! This isn't that hard. Of course he doesn't want to be just friends, or he would be like hanging out with us and everything. Can't you see the way he feels about you?"

"Okay, so he does like me. As far as I can tell." Chris grinned, but he was still looking at me like I was an idiot.

"Then what are you doing still sitting here with me?"

It took me about five seconds to register what he said, then another ten before I decided what I was going to do after that kind of question. I slowly stood up, glancing over at Chris, who nodded encouragingly.

"He went that way." Chris pointed, and I nodded.

It felt like an eternity before I was able to work my way out of the cafeteria crammed with students, and by the time I reached the hallways leading to the lockers, I knew Nolan had to be way ahead of me. So I ran.

Something in me was telling me that it was now or never. If I didn't catch up to him now and make myself talk to him, I might never work up the courage again.

There weren't many students around, since lunch was only half over, and it was easy to spot his tall frame looking into his locker.

"Nolan." My voice was breathless and quiet, but he turned instantly, eyes lighting up when he saw me.

"Luke, why are you so out of breath? Are you okay?"

"I'm just out of shape. I'm perfectly fine."

He laughed, closing his locker and standing up straighter. God, why was he so tall? I practically had to crane my neck to talk to him.

"Then what is it? Can I help you with anything?"

"I just...I wanted to ask you something." He nodded, smiling at me in such an encouraging way that I felt most of my nerves going away.

"Can we like, sit or something?" He raised his eyebrows, and I hurried to explain myself. "You're just so tall, and I'm finding it hard to—"

"Of course we can sit."

And he proceeded to sit down right in front of his locker. The few students around didn't seem to notice at all. When I sat next to him, closer than I had intended, he turned his head and smiled at me.

"Is this better?"

"Yeah." I was looking right into his eyes and finding it hard to give more than a one word answer. He was so beautiful.

"What did you want to ask me?"

This was it. It was now or never. I felt my heart rate pick up, saw his small look of concern as I noticeably became nervous. Then I forced my mouth to open, and the question came out so much blunter than I wanted.

"Will you come to the pride parade with me?"

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