Chapter 1

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*Isabela Moner will be Mariana Rodriguez*

Mikey's POV:
After we won the decathlon I realized something. When Marisol came back I was to see her. But she just seemed annoyed by me. And than I realized after that, she never misses me. She's always so annoyed by me and everything. I always follow her everywhere. And yet she doesn't appreciate it. But you know what. I'm gonna change that. After winter break imma change my whole look, my personality. Maybe even find myself a new girl. Just watch. I'll change. No more Marisol.

*after winter break*

I come into class sitting in my normal seat. Talking to Lorenzo, Walt and grace. We are all gathered around my desk talking about what we did over winter break. Than Marisol comes in. She walks over to us. She made eye contact with me. I just rolled my eyes.

*bell rings*

Everyone goes to there seat.

M.I(Mr.Iglesias): hello students, today we have a new student, come in Mariana.

A girl walks in with the most beautiful short brunette hair I have ever seen. Her beautiful brown eyes.

M.I: Guys this is Mariana Rodriguez, she is your new class mate. Treat her with respect. Also we're having a seat change. These are the new pairings.

Walt and Grace
*some random pairings for the next minute*
Finally we have
Lorenzo and Marisol
Mikey and Mariana

We all got up to switch seats, and my oh my, I'm enjoying this change.

Marisol's POV:
What was Mr.Igleasias thinking. Me and Mikey always sit next each other. We have always been next to each other. Why the sudden change. Yeah he may annoy me. And I may give him attitude sometimes but I do enjoy sitting next to him.

It's weird to because this morning he rolled his eyes at me. Like WHAT DID I DO.

We all got up and switched spots. One difference was, I was sitting where Walt was sitting and Mariana was sitting where I was sitting.

M.I: ok class we are gonna talk about slavery.

I wasn't even paying  attention to the lesson. AND I ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION. I was paying attention on how Mikey and marina were just talking and smiling at each other. Wtf.

Lorenzo: yo Marisol you ok?
Marisol: yeah I'm fine it's just, what do you think about Mariana
Lorenzo: I don't really know her but she is pretty.

Don't say that

Marisol: oh ok.... do you think Mikey thinks she's pretty
Lorenzo: well duh, I'm pretty sure every boy thinks she's pretty. Just look at her.
Marisol: true.

I stopped talking to Lorenzo and tried paying attention on the lesson. But I just can't stop looking at Mikey and Mariana. They're smiling at each other. I looked at Marianas smile, than I looked at Mikey's smile. Than I realized something.

He's smiling at her, like he smiled at me before.

I felt like my heart broke into pieces.

M.I: Marisol, are you ok?

I didn't realize it, but i put my head down and i had tears streaming down my face.

Marisol: yeah, uhh I need a minute outside

I got up and walked so fast to the door with my head still down.

Mikey's POV:
Everyone looked at me with a concerning look.

Mikey: what?
Lorenzo: aren't you gonna go and see what's wrong with her
Mikey: No it's not my problem to check on her all the time
M.I: Mikey are you ok? You never act like this when it comes to Marisol.
Mikey: Like i said it's not my problem

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