Chapter 5

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Mikey's POV:

It's been 4 days and Marisol hasn't been in class at all. And that's a surprise because she's always in class.

M.I: well class you may be wondering why Marisol hasn't been in class. Well she got switched to the honors class again. I don't know if this is permanent or what but all I know for now is that she is in the honors class.

Mariana: (whispers to Mikey) really about time, she's smart but her opinions sometimes doesn't make sense. Like remember when she tried to ban a taco truck ( AU: if y'all watched season 2 y'all will get it)
Mikey: yeah but it's just her opinion, we all have our opinion.
Mariana: yeah but still it gets annoying
Mikey: I guess

I don't know why but I feel wrong. Talking behind her back, I've never done that. Not to her especially. But I need to move on. C'mon Mikey MOVE ON.

Marisol's POV:

  I switched out of Mr Iglesias class because I didn't know want him to see me like this. Not one bit. I mean I'm a mess. I wear sweats everyday, oversized shirts, a jacket and uggs. Man Mikey , what are you doing to me.

*Bell rings for lunch*

I'm meeting with grace for lunch today. I feel gross but I don't care.

I started walking down the hallway when I bump into someone. They felt tall and skinny.  Great all my things fell

Marisol: I-I- I'm sorry
???: it's ok don't worry

I recognize that voice

I looked down to gather my things quickly and put on my hood.

???: here let me help you
Marisol: no it's ok I'm good.

We touched hands

......I froze.....

Remembering that day.



Marisol: I'm sorry for wasting your time Mikey

~end of flashback~

I felt tears start to form under my eyes, and start to fall down my cheek.

Mikey: hey you ok?

Marisol: yeah I'm good

I answered with my head still low, facing the ground.

Marisol: I gotta- I gotta go now

I grabbed my last book and started speed walking away to meet grace. That's when I started having stream of tears run down my face.

I can't....

I like Mikey

I want to show him that I care.

But I can't

It hurts too much

Mikey's POV:

  Weird , she reminded me of someone. But it can't be her . She never dresses like that either way.

Mariana: hey Mikey what you doing?
Mikey: well nothing, just some girl bumped into me but she reminded me of someone, but I couldn't see her face.
Mariana: ahh forget about that , who cares. She probably didn't want to show you how hideous she was
Mikey: yeah maybe

This feels wrong. Marianas been mean to people lately. Like mean mean man. But i don't know what to do. When I usually don't know what to do, I go talk to Marisol... but I can't.

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