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Eijiro Kirishima. This red hed...wasn't the brightest of kids and had to regularly rely on Katsuki Bakugo's tutoring. They spent many study dates - no, evenings together so Kirishima could understand topics because somehow when Bakugo talks, everything makes sense to him, even if Aizawa can't get through to him in the first place.

On this occasion, it was math catch up. Kirishima was in his room with Bakugo, who was guiding him through the process of standard form. "Alright, then you move the decimal place to the right-" Bakugo was cut off by a phone suddenly ringing. He scowls and looks at his phone.
"N-No, it's me." Kirishima held up his ringing phone, taking care not to show the screen. Suddenly, Kirishima started to shake and he turns very pale.
"One moment-" He stands up and goes into the other room. Kirishima was shaking as he spoke into the phone, hoping Bakugo wouldn't hear...

"He's alone...we're alone in my room...his guard is probably at his weakest but- I don't think I can go through with this!"

A girly voice talked back to him with a sense of false encouragement.

"It's easier for you, you've done it before!" Kirishima stammered. "I don't think-" The small voice coming from the phone cut him off.

Kirishima heard a noise and stiffly turned to see Bakugo standing in the doorway. His face was painted with fear as he backed away from Bakugo, expecting an explosion to follow...

"Who the hell was that and why did you have to leave the room to talk to them?" Bakugo started slowly walking towards Kirishima, backing him up until he was against the wall. "I'm also pretty sure I heard my name come out your mouth." He added.

"I- H-Hold on, Bakugo, I can explain-"

"Well you better start talking because now I'm mad! " He grabs Kirishima's shoulders.

"I...I..." Kirishima couldn't find himself. Suddenly, he felt an urge to get this stupid task over with. "I'm so sorry!" He activated his hardening and punched Bakugo right in the head, knocking him out. His body collapsed and crippled like paper onto the floor, a little blood coming from his head.

Kirishima was breathing heavily and shaking. "It's done...I can't believe I actually-"Kirishima crouched down to Bakugo's level to check his breathing as he heard a knock on his door and fear struck through him. He opened the door to find Deku. "Ah- H-Hey, Midoriya!" Kirishima barely stammered before Deku ran in and shut the door. "Don't worry, Kirishima! It's only me!"Deku melted away to reveal Toga underneath. Kirishima made a mental note to never trust Midoriya again.

As she bounced around the room, Toga noticed how nervous Kirishima looked. Looking past him, she could see Bakugo. "You did- Don't worry about Bakugo!" She cried. "The first few kills are always a bit uncertain-"

"Why did I do this again?" Kirishima cut her off. "What was in it for me?"

Toga hesitated before answering. "Bakugo... won't die now! We'll just draw out his blood and-"

Kirishima yelled at her. "You promised you wouldn't hurt him at all!"

Kirishima tried to knock out Toga like he did with Bakugo but she saw his moves and knocked him to the floor. Sticking in a needle, she drew out a few pints of his blood.

"Oh Eijiro..." Toga said in her baby voice. "Weren't you ever taught that it's unmanly to hit girls?"

"No..." Kirishima gasped. "BAKUGO-" He yelled before losing consciousness. Toga smiled and played with his hair before another villain arrived on the balcony.

"What's taking so long, Toga?" The new villain happened to be Twice - well, a Twice clone. He pushed the door open and nearly stepped on Toga. "Hey what are you doing on top of Riot?"

"Traitor." Toga rose. "He betrayed us, tried to knock me out, so I returned the gesture by sucking out his blood. A few pints, I think."

"Hold up, rewind that, why did he betray us?" Twice was confused as he started adjusting Bakugo's body position.

"I think someone has a little crush on someone..." Toga half whispered, almost mockingly. " Eijiro was full of regret when I came, questioning his choice and asking me to remind him of his gain."

"So he's coming with?" Twice lifted Bakugo in his arms and glanced at Kirishima.

"Let's show Eijiro what happens when you betray the league of villains..." Toga laughed as Twice slung Kirishima on his back. Just as they stepped onto the balcony, a misty black and purple portal opened in front of them. As they walked through, Twice breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to walk all the way to the base carrying two people. Strong as he was, he didn't have much experience in carrying the injured.

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