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- after school-

"Okay, so you said your parents couldn't pick you up" Irene said and I nodded

" Want me to send you home?" She asked

"No no no. It's fine. I can just walk. It's just a few kilometres away"

" Aren't you scared of walking alone?" She grinned

" Nah... I think I'll be fine. Besides, my father said the neighbourhood was quite secure" I said

" It's true anyways. But for one last time, are you sure you don't want me to send you?"

" Yes I'm sure"

" Okay then. See you tomorrow MinYoung" she said and I waved at her before leaving the class. I sat in the class for a while to finish a little bit of my homework and I looked at the clock, it's time for me to go home

I packed my stuff and slung my backpack on my shoulder and walked out of school. I walked down the street with earphones on and blasting with EXO music in my ears

I walked and realized that the sky was getting dark and I assumed that it's going to rain soon. I've said it clear.


But something unexpected happens

It rained

"Aish... seriously" I cursed under my breath and started to run to find shelter but luckily, there's a bus stop few metres away from me. I ran there and panted after running from afar. I was soaking wet. There's was nothing for me to cover myself from the rain. It became heavy so I started to get worried.

I took out my phone and dialled my father's number

The number you have dialled is not available

Seriously? Then I called my mother, she picked up the second time. "Yes, Minyoung?"

"Mom, I'm at the-" the phone dead and I just feel like throwing this stupid phone away. I sighed and sat down on the bench. I think I should just wait for the rain to stop.

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