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" Yah shhhhhhhh" he put his hand on my mouth

" You can scream as loud as you want but not in front of her" he shouted whisper and I pushed his hand away

" What do you mean I screamed in front of her? She's few metres away for God sake" I said

" It doesn't matter. So will you?" He asked

" I don't want to"

" You said you would help me"

" I know but-"

" It's just a fake relationship. I'll tell her that you're my girlfriend and later on just say that you broke up with me"

" You're unbelievable"

" That's what I always do~" he sang and I rolled my eyes

" So what am I going to do?" I asked

"Do what couples do" he simply said

"What do they do?" I asked


" You never been in a relationship before?" I asked and she shook her head

"But I watched in dramas"

"Uhuh. And what do they do?" I grinned

"Well like cuddles, holding hands, something like that" she said

" Kisses?" I asked

" I ain't kissing you" she exclaimed

" Oh sure, you do. Just you wait, you'll be craving for these lips"

" I'll open that jaw of yours so you'll look like a joker"

" Yah, don't be that far"

" Whatever jerk"

I sighed then looked at Joy and looked back at her. "Need help with the couple thing?" I asked and she slightly nodded. I smirked

" First things first, like you said, holding hands" I said and I grabbed her hand

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