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Kim MinYoung

Marry me?

"What?!" I exclaimed as I shot my eyes open

"Good morning, sleepy head~" he sang and I pushed him off the bed

"Ouw.." he groaned in pain

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat up

"I was trying to wake you up. Ugh.." he said as he tried to get up

"What time is it?" I asked

"Hmm... Almost at 6" he said then I laid back on my bed as I pulled my blanket until my head

"Just let me sleep for a bit" I muttered

I felt my bed became jumpy and a hand snake around me " Minie~ wake up come on" he whined

" How can you come into my room?" I asked

"Your parents let me in of course" he said

"Then? What's the real reason you're doing here?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

"  Today's school idiot" he exclaimed as he nudged my head

"Wait. School?"

"Yup, that's why I'm here. Now hurry up and get ready. I'll wait for you downstairs" he said


After I did my morning routine, I went downstairs and greeted my parents with a kiss and off my way to school.

Near the door, Jaemin standing there while greeted the people who's walking nearby. I tapped his shoulder and he turned to me

"Ah, you're ready?" He said and I nodded. Then he kissed my lips and I looked at him weirdly

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