1. Panic

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It was getting dark and the two twins should have been inside their home by now but because of the other's constant complain of wanting to stay outside a little longer,  Glen was forced to drag her back to the house, only to be met with their mother's reply to Glenda's pledding,

"oh sweetface, why didnt you go already?".

Glenda was ecstatic at the response and proceeded to go dash out of the house as soon as she can,forgetting to put down her bag and saying "goobye"s and "thank you"s at her mother with only a tongue sticking out for her brother as a farewell.

Glen couldnt believe his mom, he turned to face her after Glenda was out.
'How come she gets to go out at night,mum?'
He thought silently in his mind looking at his mother with a confused and almost upset face. He wasnt mad at his mother, he was just irritated and annoyed at how care free she was at letting Glenda go, especially when it was almost midnight.

And as if his mother,Tiffany, read his mind said
" oh dont worry sweety, Glenda is going to be fine she knows her way out of things." While hugging him and letting go once she finished her sentence.
Glen wouldnt doubt his mother's assessment on how Glenda could probably take care of herself but a doubt still lingered.

Seeing as her child only seem contempt and worried she added a small invitation for him to feel at ease,
"If youre really worried, and so am I to be honest, why dont you go and look out for her? Im not sure if she would appreciate it but its worth a try." She smiled at him to ease the mood.
She knows that Glen was very protective of her and Glenda, seeing as if anything bad would happen to them he would blame himself.
That kind of mentality was given to him the night his father,chucky, died. Ever since that day, he had been receiving terrible nightmares that would sent him screaming and waking up Tiffany and Glenda.

Glen didnt really want to go after Glenda despite his worries for her but a thought came to mind. Although, sure, Glenda is a jerk to him sometimes but he was still her twin brother and 'what are brothers for' he thought. He simply nooded to answer Tiffany's offer and went to kiss her on the check before saying goodbye and grabing a jacket before he went outside to look for his sister.

It wasnt hard to find his sister, she would usually turn right at the two roads in front of him and if Glen was correct, the figure 21 meters away from him is Glenda. It looks like she was heading to a small town just down below the mountain they were in. It wasnt far, but it was long enough that he knows his mom wouldnt have let them go there alone. Picking up his speed and being a bit closer to his sister has made him feel relieved, the town was full and bright that people could get lost easily. It mainly looked like an attraction site for men wanting to have a good time, with all the casinos and clubs loitered around the area.

This made him more suspicious of his sister, ' what is she doing at a place like this' he questioned himself before grinning at the thought of what their mom would do if she found out. Tiffany would probably ground her for weeks and Glen would finally have a rest from her teasing and pranking him in school and at home, mainly in school. It then hit Glen that Glenda now had somebody with her, the person beside her was probably 18 or 19 with how tall he was compared to Glenda who was 12. Now Glen was extremely afraid of what they were doing together and what would happen next, all the happy thoughts of mom grounding Glenda was lost and replaced with fear and anger. One part of his mind was saying to interrupt them as two other guys joined in but the other part was saying to tell mom right away, he dismissed both and just kept pursuing them until they stopped near an alley where an old apartment was filled to the brim with discarded clothing and some old debris.

They were far away from the noisy crowd before and now they were at a place more quiet. He stayed behind a wall, perfect in hiding his body from Glenda's, or anyone with her, sight. He didnt want to confront Glenda but he was willing too if it meant keeping her safe from those guys that were with her.Suddenly he heard a scream, he was overcomed with guilt and hurriedly tried to see what happened. As he tried to turn to face Glenda's way he found himself hurling and going back to the wall.
Covering his mouth as his vision was getting fuzzy at the scene he witnessed.

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