4.5 Revenge

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The bus was slowly stopping near the front gates of their new school.

Glenda was the first one to point this out to Glen. It seems whatever they were talking about made him forget about school.
Glen bid farewell to Alice, assuming she wasnt a student in their school. Alice waved goodbye as both the twins jumped off the bus. Leading them to a paved path to the gates.

Outside of the school looked like they were made of gold as the metals shone in the afternoon sun.
It was so blinding that you couldnt see much of the campus.
Even though with that problem, they set out to find the guards to allow them entrance.

They found an entrance booth but the guard was no where to be seen.
Glen tried screaming for anybody to come while
Glenda looked closely at the booth, she noticed there was something on the floor.
That 'something' immedietly rose up from the floor as Glen's screams had been heard.

They were both shocked at the sudden movement and almost made Glenda scream too.

It was just the guard.
Apparently, the guard was sleeping on the job.

They kindly spoke to him after they calmed down, and the guard was nice enough to let them in.

After they got in, what they saw was nothing they thought would be school.

It was filthy, trashes overflowing the trashbins, leaves falling rather quickly even though it wasnt fall yet.
It reaked of alcohol near the dorms and the cafeteria had leftovers smeared on the walls and floors.

It was a disaster to put it simply.

Glen tried to be optimistic but Glenda wasnt having it.
She was already complaining about everything, she was so engrossed by this school that she wanted an immediate transfer.

As much as Glen tried to convince her, he cant completely disagree to her rant.

Glen thinks its disgusting too but if they were to transfer, they would be behind the class. They would have to waste money again by trying to enroll to another school.
Besides, it couldnt be that bad.

After they were able to find their rooms, they were met with rowdy children, looking like they were forming a riot over the teacher.

Luckily, they arrived just in time, and the kids had a momentary pause before the teacher introduced Glen and Glenda.

'It wasnt all that bad' was a big understatement coming from Glen.

The first months in school was horrofying. People were avoiding him for no reason.

No one was talking to him, he and Glenda rarely talked now. The worst part would be the bullying, but it wasnt as worst as the one that made him snap.

After the incident, he didnt let anyone bully him anymore and more so, he started to gain friends through saving them from getting bullied. He was almost like Glenda but a nicer version who wants to protect people.

What happened?

Well, lets start in the begining.


Glen noticed he was getting followed.

It was already getting dark and his sister Glenda went home earlier than him.

He tried to lose them by taking sharp turns to places he, frankly, doesnt know. Relief was on his face when he noticed he couldnt hear footsteps anymore. He looked back to check and saw nothing, until he looked in front of him.

The sign of relief was replaced with confusion and quickly to nervous tension as he knew what was going to happen.

"Well... what do we have here?" The person on the left started.

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