2. Dream

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Glen was woken up at the sound of the door banging so loudly. He saw himself in his bed, covered in his blanket and getting ready to start the day. For a second, he found it odd that his sister's bed was tidy and her body, which often stays cuddled to the bed, was gone. He shrugged it off thinking she probably woke up earlier than him. He sat at the end of his bed when he found a small toy axe around his dangling feet hovering above the floor.

He took note of it and decided to ignore it for now, as he wasnt in the mood for playing. After brushing his teeth, he chose a purple turtle neck to wear with faded stripes below before adding in plain black pants for a fit color scheme, and came running down the stairs to greet his family. As he was coming down the stairs, doll parts were scattered every where. Most of those dolls he recognised where from Glenda's collection so he paid no mind of it. He kept going down the stairs slowly asking " Mummy? Glenda? Where are you?".

No one answered.
He finally got to the main floor and as he looked for them in the kitchen, thousands of rats came crawling out of the cabinets eating pieces of meat, he was taken by surprise and got pushed to the floor by the rats' sudden rush out. He was screaming for help because the vermins only kept coming and coming, he even almost had one stuck in his mouth before pulling it out. The rat he pulled out clawed his hand as he tried to stand up using the counter as help. He tried to navigate to the sink to get hot water to make the rats go away.

He waited for it to fill and when it did, the hot water was dispersed throughout the kitchen floor.
Making it too hot for the rats to go near it, and appearantly it also affected Glen. The water was still hot until it started boiling itself in the sink. He didnt know what happened but right now the supposed hot water got turned into boiling water that could burn your skin, which is what it did to Glen before he was able to climb on top of the counter and turned off the faucet.

He sighed in relief and jumped off the sink counter to the middle counter, he only needed one big jump to be able to land on a safe surface away from the water. When he did, he wasnt able to pull it off, he only got through halfway the big jump and landed on his hands and knees. Feeling the burns, he quickly got up and ran to the living room which was not affected by the overflowing water he caused earlier. In there he saw his mom, sitting on the couch, crying. " Mum! Where were you? Are you okay?" He said trying to forget the stinging feeling of the burns to comfort his mother.

Tiffany just continued crying like she didnt hear what Glen said. " Mum. Why are you crying?" He questioned her as he started walking near to see what she was crying at. He saw a doll. Not just any doll but a doll that had red hair. A doll that had blue eyes, small pecks of freckles, and a small line that was said.

" Hi, I'm Glenda.Wanna play?"

At a lost for words he turned to his mother who was facing him now. " This is your fucking fault!" Tiffany shouted at her son. Yelling at him for being an incompetent brother, failing to protect Glenda and breaking her heart. Glen couldnt believe what he was hearing. Tiffany was now throwing profanities and curses at him.

" you fucking good for nothing shit!"

" I fucking gave up my passion of killing for you."

"I left my chucky dead for you"

"Fuck, I sacrificed everything for you!"

Tiffany was having a mental breakdown near Glen and he couldnt do anything about it except say sorry and try to comfort her. 'Everything was fine when I woke up, what happened to cause this?' He thought at every logical explanation and it all came down to him. He was the cause of his parent's fights and arguements leading them to kill eachother. He was the one that killed his father. He probably was the one who sleepwalked and turned his twin sister to a doll too because he has the amulet with him.

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