4. Revenge

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School was a different subject to both the twins. One of them liked going to school, learning about the things they didnt know fascinated him. The other, not so much, she lost interest when they started having first class alegebra in grade six, the only thing worth noticing are the bullies she could target and the science lessons they were getting.

Both were average in grades but one seemed to have gotten a downgrade in recent months. Glen and Glenda were once again at the front gates of their school.

It was a private school and only those who had the intelligence to pass and a lot of money, were able to attend the prestigious school.

The kids though, beg to differ.

The school inside was much different than how the news were to portray a perfect environment for kids.

In fact, the teachers were rather neglectful of the students and if they were to care, they would pick favorites to protect.
All of the teachers were in for the money, or at least, after they have spent a month trying to teach the students anything. Another thing that made this school straight up like hell was the students themselves. They were everything society would have nightmares about.

The generation of failures.

No one in the campus had ever been able to put effort in what they create. They were lazy snobs who think too highly of themselves that they cant see reason in trying to succeed at all. If ever one was to try, they would get brought down by the crippling sensation of the thought in failing.
After spending a whole year, they both came to that conclusion. What made that conclusion as reality?
Well, it all started on the first day of school.

Here they are now. Inside a "brand new" bus offered by the school for the upcoming students.

During the bus ride,Glen wasnt as nervous as he used to be, in fact he was rather glad to be able to pass the exam to enroll in the school.
Glenda wasnt able to pass persè but she was still able to enroll with a little help. After all, the twins didnt like getting seperated and having to split them apart would be heart breaking, or so what their mother says.
Glenda was indifferent to the statement but she accepts what she has been offered, school.

There werent much to talk about, Glen and Glenda werent a comunicative pair at all, but a girl was able to intrance them with her words that they were able to have a conversation.

"Hey!" She started, grabbing the attention of the twins.

"You guys look oddly familiar, as if ive met you before."

Glen was the first to reply.
" Oh, I believe we havent, but if you would want, we could be friends."

"Only his friend, not mine."
Glenda giving the impression that she wouldnt want the girl as a friend.

"Oh! A fiesty one."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Glenda interupting immedietly.

"Nothing, its just that you remind me of someone."
The mysterious girl was somehow already sitting beside them.

"Anyways, why dont we get to know eachother?" She said with no discreet what-so-ever.

The twins both directed confusing looks towards her but paid no mind after Glen welcomed the idea of getting to know eachother.

"Oh, Im Glen and my sister here is Glenda" Glen did not hesitate to introduce his sister. Glenda had grown fond over Glen introducing both of them for her, it takes less time and less words.

"How old are you?" The girl asked right after looking over them head to toe.

"Were both 13 since were twins."

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