3. Fear

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Having to start school, the twins woke up early as assigned by their mother. They were rather upset with the gesture of changing the presets of their alarm clock but they didnt mind so much when their mother called them down for breakfast.

" Kids! Its time for breakfast, come on down here in the kitchen."

Tiffany's voice echos through the walls alerting the twins to hurry up on what they're doing.

Glen was excited to meet their mother already as the thought of breakfast filled his mind with joy.
Glenda on the other hand made an annoyed face and grunted at the voice of her brother asking

" What do you think is for breakfast, Glenda?".

She didnt answer her brother, as giving ideas on what to eat would make him more annoying from the anticipation.
Glen, however, decided to spark a conversation with the last minutes of them staying in the room.

" What do you think school is gonna be like?".

That question felt weird for Glenda from the way it was given to her.

Knowing her brother, she thought he would be brimming in happiness at the subject of school, but somehow, the question came out in a very shake-y tone with a hint of being scared.

" I dont really know Glen" she said with such spice in her words.

" But, I'm sure its like what mother always talks about."

Glen was about to say something but Glenda cuts him off by shutting the door to their room.
Glen was now alone, being left on wondering what she meant.
Before going downstairs to ask her about it, he decided to focus finishing on dressing up.

About a few minutes or so, Glen was already going down the stairs with his favorite t-shirt on, waving to his family in the kitchen.

" What took you so long, sweetface?"

Their mother asked while setting up a plate of sunny side-up eggs and toasted bread with peanut butter and jelly spread all over.

" Nothing mum. I was just thinking of something"

He said while starting to sit down next to Glenda who has already ate half of her bread.

Tiffany with a cheery mood asked with a slice of curiousity while drinking a cup of black coffee

" And what would that 'something' be?"

Glen was having a hard time to answer the above question, feeling as if it would ruin the mood his mom was in, so he started eating his food in a very unusual pace.

" Glen was just thinking of what school is gonna be like mother."

Glenda answered for him blankly, barely looking at her mother, and continued on eating the rest of her plate.

Glen however glared at his sister and looked over to his mother

" Well, I'm just nervous mummy. What if people arent nice to me?"

Tiffany was shocked but it seemed pretty normal for kids his age would ask about.

" Oh dont worry Glen, sweetie, you have Glenda by your side."

Tiffany reassured him by making it sound like its a good thing Glenda was with him.

Hearing his mother say that made him more worried at the thought of going to school with Glenda and had him saying under his breathe

" That's one of the reasons im afraid about school".

Thinking no one heard what he said, he quickly finished eating and was now in the living room getting his bag ready for school.
Glenda fully heard what he said though and kept glaring at him when he was packing other things in his bag.
Glen didnt actually notice anything strange from Glenda, he thought that she was already outside waiting for him until they bumped on eachother making him confused but smiled and offered her to go out already.

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