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7 months ago

Hoseok POV
I continued too scroll through my Instagram recommend feed, to see what content was there. Something caught my eye, it looked to be a photo that a photographer took, It intrigued me as it was something that really didn't pop up on my normal feed much.


❤️ 500 likes Vante Gaze

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Vante Gaze. @MasterKooks
2 days ago
MasterKooks Did you really have to take this photo 😒
@MasterKooks It's for the aesthetic. Plus why not we're on summer vacation 🤷‍♂️ Ik you love it 😋
@Vante Fine, I do.

I clicked on who I knew as Vantes profile. He seemed to be called Tae, as said in his name thing. His bio read:

"Snap a photo. Trust me, it lasts longer. Unless you accidentally delete it. I've done it before."

I continued to scroll through his feed, all the photos were stunning, quite talented to say the least. There was probably another word for talented that I could've described his photos with. He was also quite attractive, I clicked on a picture on his face, in black and white. Most of his photos were, it was aesthetically pleasing.



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❤️ 250 likes Vante Some things are better in black and white

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Vante Some things are better in black and white.
6 days ago
SplashofInk Ugh so handsome 😍
Peaceful_Photographer 😍😍
Jinnie Yes Work it dude
ClumsyKing The photography king himself strikes again.

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