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January 10th

Taehyung POV


I start school back up today :(
Do you?

I put my phone in my jean pocket and sighed as I looked in the mirror, adjusting my jacket and shirt. I messed with my hair a bit, making it look as good as it could at six thirty in the morning. I didn't like early mornings, but I woke up early so I could get around in time to drive to school. The traffic would be extremely bad today, as it was snowing when I woke up, so at least I was prepared for that.  I rushed out of the bathroom, and grabbed my bag from my room.

I walked down the stairs, slowly, not really ready to go to school. I knew I had too, due to whoever made school become a thing.

"Good morning, why are you leaving so early?" My brother, Jungkook, asked as I put on my shoes.

"Says the one with the drivers permit. Do you want me or mom to take you?"

"Is it really snowing that badly that you have to leave this early?" He replied back in an annoyed tone, as he messed with his phone. I put on my shoes, luckily I had fashionable black boots.

"Have fun with mom driving you, see you later!" I walked out the door, and got into the car. I threw my bag in the back, and saw Jungkook rush for the car, trying not to slip onto the sidewalk in the process.

He got into the car with a lovely greeting. "Fine, Fine. I'll ride with you. Mom can be so embarrassing dropping me off! Especially that one time when I was almost late."

"That was the most hilarious thing ever, and I still have the video!" I laughed as I backed out of the driveway.

"You took a video? Oh no. Oh hell no! Where did you post it?"

"Snapchat, instagram..."

"Why did I never see it!"

"Because that is also the day your phone fell out of your pocket onto the bare sidewalk and you had to buy a new one." I tried to contain as much laughter as possible so I didn't burst into it as I drove.

"Dammit, you're right." He sighed in defeat. "That was a bad day. The screen was so damn cracked. I can't believe I didn't replace the screen protector."

"Well, you didn't." I shrugged my shoulders as we made our way into the busy traffic of New York City.

"Obviously!" He snapped back at me, getting slightly annoyed.


I felt the heat of the school as I entered, leaving the previously cold outdoors. Jungkook made his way to wherever he had to go, wether it be class or o his friends. Shoes squeaked as they walked onto the tile floors, people had snow in their hair and on their jackets. That made me remember my own hair, I ruffled it up as best as I could to fix it without a mirror.

It was strange how small I felt in these hallway, all these people, all these lockers, all of theses door to the classrooms. I didn't really like people, I wasn't much of a people person. While I blocked out the other people in the hallway, I eventually found Namjoon standing in front of the English class we shared this early in the morning.

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