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Months later

June 3rd

Taehyung POV
It's been months since I've heard any change of the condition of Hoseok, but I was bound to make the drive to Michigan anyway. Bringing along Namjoon and Jin. I had made a stop in Pennsylvania, and now had stopped in Ohio. There was a text from Jimin on my phone that I had to get too.

How's the traveling going?

We just stopped at a rest stop in Ohio,  we're about three hours away.

Good to hear! Hoseok is going to be really surprised when he sees you, he hasn't spoken or wanted to move much , but I bet when you come in he'll want to jump out of the bed! 😁

He's awake?!?!

Just a few minutes ago he woke up! He started to move around!

Yay! I'm beyond happy rn, text can't show that.
I better get going,its my turn to drive again and Namjoon and Jin are look at me like they wanna kill me.

You have fun with the drive, I'll meet you outside of the hospital, text me when you arrive. Just remember I'm the short guy with orange hair 😂

That won't be hard to remember, see you soon, around 6.
Read 2:57pm

The drive was stressful, going through various rolls along the way, and the traffic around the cities. The green trees, and the lakes along the way were gorgeous, though. It was all worth it to get to Hoseok, a long nine hours was worth it for him.


We're here!

I'm at the front of the hospital.

On our way.

I got out of the car, and stretched my legs. I took in the scenery around me, this small town of Brooklyn,Michigan was completely different from New York City. I took a Minute to admire how green the trees were, and how brightly the sun shined on the ground. It was comforting,almost.

"Tae you're not here to take in the scenery, come on!" Jin snapped me took me out of my head.

"You can't let life go fast, I wanted to take it in." I defended myself, it was always nice to take in the scenery.

"Tae has a point, let's look for that Jimin guy." Namjoon stood with his hands in his black sweatpants pockets.

"You know, if he's shorter, How is he going to hide me from Hoseok." We started walking towards the hospital, it was a tall white building like most hospitals, with various large windows.

"There's many different way's that he could hide you- Wait Hoseok is awake?" Jin stopped in realization of what I had just said, in a shocked tone.

"Yeah, last I knew he hasn't moved much, but he awake." I felt a smile plaster across my face as I spotted who I assumed was Jimin in the distance.

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