Kendall and I have acted like nothing has happened. I plan on saying something to him today. I just needed time to form the right words to say to him. It must have hurt him when he said he liked me and I didn't say anything back.
I got ready quickly so I could leave right away and talk to Kendall. I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I wanted to leave right away.
Thankfully, Ty ate his breakfast fast so we got to leave earlier. "Zoe?"
"Are you okay? I asked you a question and you didn't answer so.."
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. What was your question?"
"I asked why you were so distracted this morning." He says.
"I just really need to talk to Kendall."
"Talk to him about the...thing?"
"The thing?"
"You know.. When I walked in on you guys.."
"Oh," I thought about it. "Yeah, sort of."
"Gross." He replied. By then he pulled into the school parking lot. Ty didn't even turn off the car before I got out.
I walk fast to the school. I'm really anxious as to what I'm going to say. I have it planned out, but I'll either forget it or chicken out. The spot where Kendall and I usually hang out in the morning is taken by people. People being, Ashton, Michael, Calum and Luke. Ashton was in a conversation with Luke, Michael was on his phone and Calum was just watching people. His eyes spotted me and he turned to Ashton and said "She's here." Ashton looked up to me and started walking towards me.
My first thought was, 'get the fuck out of here' but my mind and feet weren't working together. I tried moving, but I was frozen. Ashton reached me and grabbed my arm and started dragging me. My mind finally started working. I pulled my arm free and ran the other way. I turned into the hallway where Kendall's locker is. Thankfully, he was at his locker, getting books. He turned, saw me and smiled. His smile quickly faded when he saw me running. He dropped his bag when I came up. "Are you okay?"
"I don't know," I say, trying to catch my breath. "Ashton and his friends were at our spot and they tried dragging me somewhere." I look over my shoulder and see Ashton and his friends. Ashton looks pissed. I look back at Kendall and he's staring at them. He looks pissed too. "I wanted to tell you something."
He looks back at me, "What is it?"
I take a deep breath. "I like you, too."
Something sparked in his eyes. "Wait, what?"
"I said I like you, too." I smiled and so did he.
"I don't even know what to do right now. I'm too happy," Kendall says, smiling like an idiot.
"You're so cute," I laugh. Kendall walked me to my first class just in case Ashton was waiting there.
What a shocker, he was there. He was leaning on the door frame of the science classroom. "What are you doing here?" Kendall asks him.
"Just waiting for Zoe. Why does it matter to you?"
"Oh, I don't know. You kind of beat the shit out of her, humiliated her in class, more than once, and tried dragging her someplace minutes ago." Kendall listed off.
"I just wanted to talk to Zoe. I wasn't going to do anything."
"That's what you said last time.." I say. They barely even hear me. I barely even hear myself.
"I fucking try to be nice to you, but you have to be a bitch and run off to your boy toy!" He yells right as the bell rings. I wait for him to go inside but he wasn't moving. "I'm not going in until you go in." He says.
I make a frustrated noise and go inside. Once I sit in my seat, Ashton walks in. He takes his seat and says, "I really did want to talk to you."
"Then say it."
"It can wait until lunch."
"Well, it's finally lunch. What did you have to tell me?"
"Let's go somewhere more private." I was confused. What did he even have to tell me in the first place? And why is it so important?
Ashton led me to a closet. It was a pretty large one for a school closet. "Okay, so what is it?"
"For someone who acts so smart, you're so stupid." He says and smiles. Not a pleasant one. A really creepy one. I start to back up, but I back up into a body.
"You know, you should watch were you're going." The familiar voice says. I turn and see Michael. He grips my arm tight and pushes me in the closet. Ashton followed in shortly.
Michael grabbed both of my arms and put them behind my back. "Don't even try to make a noise." Michael growled in my ear.
Ashton cracked his knuckles and neck before making his hand into a fist and punching me in the stomach. It's still sore from last time.
He kept punching me. I don't remember how long. But, it was long enough that when Michael let go of me, I couldn't even stand on my own. When I fell down I curled in a ball to protect my stomach. It didn't help anything else. Michael kicked my head, causing a loud ringing in my ear.
The last thing I heard was "Just leave her. Someone will find her sooner or later." I couldn't tell who it was.
My head hurts and my body hurts. That's the last thing I remember before I fall asleep.
Poor Zoe omg.
But hey, the Zendall ship might sail omg yay.
I'm really tired. I fell asleep like ten times while writing the ending, not even kidding.
QOTC: Do you ship Zendall? Why or why not?
I do bc aw
And last chapters QOTC was (I forgot to do it don't hate me): What kind of music do you listen to?
Thank you for reading! I love you 💜

Bullied // a.i.
أدب الهواةZoe is a 17 year old high school student. She had a normal, happy life when she was younger. She had a mom, a dad and an older brother. Her dad left her family, one day. Took all the money and just left. Ashton had been picking on her for awhile. Wi...