Mourning And Grief.

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Sorry for the long updateeee... It's just that's school's been rough and even if I did had the time I just don't know what to write 😅😅 but anyways I hope you enjoy this one!~

It had been 2 weeks since Angel left. Charlie had resolve in locking herself in her office feeling devastated but hopeful that the spider demon would surely show up at any day. Vaggie had suddenly grew quiet after receiving news of his supposed death and refused to engage in any close contact whatsoever, including her wife. Cheri had not given up entirely, she had gone through numerous of places for the pass week not even bothering to care for herself or wellbeing. She had strong faith in herself and is determined to find his best friend/brother in law even if it means fighting God herself, along with the help of Sir Pent. Husk, on the other hand, has been drinking so much till the point he can barely move from his seat. It wasn't like he was going to anyways. Charlie had to replace more than 50 bottles of alcohol that Husk had taken the liberty to drown in, but she could care less at the moment. She understood the state that he was in, all of them. Niffty was still the same, bubbly and hyper. Although, anyone would notice the slight gloom in her eyes as she greeted them with on of the most strain and forced smile. She would clean and clean and clean and try to keep the place spotless. As time goes on, Niffty would constantly rub at the same spot twice. No one dared to approach her about it, how could they? They were only going to make matters worst.

Mimzy was as well, still the usual. She and Niffty had been taking this quite fine for a long time now. It's only a matter of time until they finally snap but fortunately that won't be happening anytime soon. Alastor however, was in NO greater mood. If anything, he was BEYOND aggravated. News report of the constant murders happening every so often in the city was proof that he needed help. Alastor was never the type to cope with things whenever he is losing his sanity. Charlie had to push the press back and ignored their rapid questions whenever she stepped out of the hotel. Charlie was exhausted and weak due to the lack of sleep and self care. Vaggie would often leave food outside her door, Charlie was touched and grateful for her thoughtfulness but every time she tried to feed herself the spoon just never reached her mouth. In the end, she threw out the waste discreetly not wanting to disappoint her in anyway.

Molly would often visit them, holding a bunch of roses in her arms. The thorns sunk into her skin causing blood to seep out slightly. Molly would mumble to herself in the corner, spilling the same words. "I brought you flowers. You hated them, but I don't. You told me only devils would hold them. You asked me if I would be the devil to hold you when you're scared. I said yes, I would..." Charlie grew a little too uneasy by this and had to escort her to her room where she and her wife shared.

As weeks turned to months, everyone was still the same. Except this time, the numbers of murders committed by the radio demon had increase dramatically. At this rate, the population in Hell began to decrease and everyone in the city had now taken refuge in their homes fearing for their safety. There was once where Charlie had confronted the demon and made a move to stop him. If it not for Vaggie who had stepped in between the two, Charlie would have been choked to death when Alastor had a good grip on her neck. Husk refused to make eye contact with anyone, but he still exchanged a few simple words to others as greet but that was it. Cheri would rarely show up only to visit Molly who was still sitting in the far corner of their shared room. Cheri would sometimes bring her flowers from different places she's visited or small trinkets from gift stores she comes across. Molly would either ignore her and continue her pathetic mumbles. Cheri didn't mind it, as long as she was safe and fine she could care less of what condition she was in.

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