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Here it is! The hospital scene! This will probably be short because honestly I have been deleting and rewriting this chapter since last week... I have done one of my other chapters which will probably be posted tomorrow or today if I feel satisfied enough. But anyways, enjoy!~

- Angel sat silently on the blue bleachers in the waiting area. His mind swimming back to the doctor's words. -

Doctor: Time of death... 22:33 pm.

- The way Charlie turned to him with a look of pure angst. Beside her, Vaggie eyes were focused on the wall opposite from she stood with both arms cross. He noticed the visible angry red hand prints on each of her arms but didn't even bother questioning. To his left, Cherri had her face in her hands. She had sunken down to her knees as soon as her back hit the wall. Her shoulders shaking but no sound was uttered. Angel didn't have to guess. He knew. And yet, no tears seemed to reach his eyes. Death was inevitable, he was aware of the consequences. He was warned. But he still remained adamant. He didn't heed to others but only himself. And now he gets to pay the price. -

Charlie: *Reaches out to embrace Cherri* Hey... Do you-?

Cherri: Yes. *Sniffles* Yeah, let's go. *Leans into the embrace*

Charlie: -...Okay

- Angel watched as both girls entered the room silently. Vaggie eyed him for a longer moment before joining them inside. Angel didn't know what to do, so he walked off to find a more secluded place to wallow in his self-pity. He didn't want to admit it, but he hated how 'unsupportive' he is right now. He felt disgusted of himself. But he didn't need to remind himself to know. This was all he could do. Drowning out the outside noise and focusing on nothing but the silence in his head. Not that it wasn't silent from where he is located but the sight of white walls towering over him made him feel a little too tight in the ample space that was provided. It was as if they were taunting him. Drowning and suffocating him under deep dark waters. -

Angel: This is getting stupid. *Huffs*

- Angel shook his head in mild vigor, feeling a little throb beginning to form on the side of his head. He sigh, not knowing what to do. He decided to buy himself something warm, but his legs didn't feel like obeying. He thought of humming a tune, but he couldn't find his voice. He wanted to act as if nothing at all happened, and that the accident where he was suppose to be the one crushed under those damn rundown walls. But the energy that was once bubbling from within had vanished in an instant. The grief he was feeling right now was not helping with his constant anxiety. It felt like half of his heart had been left under those walls, crushed and forlorn. Nothing felt alright. He felt numb. He felt angry. He wanted to start a war. He wanted to start a massacre. But for what? -

Angel: Nothing. *Sniffs* Absolutely nothing.

- Talking to himself was the only thing he was capable at the moment. He began to pinch himself idly, trying to fill up the time as he waited until the others find him. But they probably left already. He doesn't blame them. After all, he was the one who caused this mess in the first place. Another two hours were spent sitting and mumbling to himself with nothing but empty bleachers accompanying him and his pathetic rambles. His voice echoed faintly around the halls, leaving a hollow feeling in the air. He was about get up since his ass was starting to ache when he felt a warm presence beside him. It was enough to send shivers down his spine. -

Alastor: The others have left an hour ago.

Angel: I know.

Alastor: Why are you still here?

Angel: I-

Alastor: That's not a valid answer.

Angel: *Squints at him* How would you-

Alastor: Just answer me honestly. *Rolls eyes*

- Angel only huffed and fell back down into his seat. Four arms crossed, paying the other no mind. Alastor sat beside him and Angel snapped back to him. -

Angel: Who told you-

Alastor: Quiet you. *Pulls him into his chest*

- If anyone asked why he looked like a ripen tomato, he might as well send the blame to the radio demon. Angel was baffled and began to squirm in his hold. -

Angel: What the fuck?! Let go-!

Alastor: Do you WANT me to let go?

- That immediately got Angel to freeze. Alastor sigh in annoyance, placing a gentle hand on the back of Angel's neck and pulling him closer. Angel rested his face in the crook of his neck, silently breathing in his scent. Funny, Alastor actually smelled of strawberries. This brought a light smile to his face and took the opportunity to wrap all four arms around him, nuzzling his head and burying his nose deeper into his crimson suit. -

Angel: Stay with me?

Alastor: *Scoffs* What else am I here for?

Angel: *Doesn't respond*

- They both sat in comfortable silence. Holding each other close. Until Alastor slowly pulled away. -

Alastor: I don't intend to stay here all night. *Glances down at him with a soft look* But if it pleases you and all, I'm sure I'll make a few adjustments with you under warm covers.

- Angel couldn't think either it was said meant to be sexually or platonically. But either way, both sounded good to him. Angel smiled up at him and held him tighter. He never wanted to let go of this man. Even if Lucifer traded him with his sister. -

Yeah... Hi! Sorry for the long wait but I just got caught up with school and all and... You probably know the rest. But anyways, thanks for reading!

P/S: I'm so sorry I had to do this to Angel. 😢😢

- TripleBOut

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