VI: Deep Down

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"So they robbed you" Jin confirms more than asks, Taehyung nods. "I don't think I'm ever going to get that money back, they must've spent it already but what hurts me is that I trusted them" Tae tells the story with huge uncertainty and sadness in his voice, Seokjin notices. "I'm really sorry you went through that" he declares honestly but he finds it odd that only now he's learning about it. Or well, odd because he hadn't really asked. He had not put any effort in trying to get to know Taehyung that well and he had avoided reading the personal pages from the resume folder that was given to him. He didn't want to and he regrets that now.

"Well, now that I know, I'll get some people in the legal department of the company to work on it" Jin promises, turning his face to meet Taehyung's. He smiles a little, kind of shy. It looks endearing Jin tries not to think about that. He sighs, he should probably be going home but he really doesn't want to, he's comfortable here. It is the longest period of time he has ever spent with Taehyung and he doesn't feel any of the usual harsh feelings that come with it. It a little strange, but not in a bad way.

It happened naturally, after having talked for about half an hour in Tae's bedroom, Seokjin mentioned wanting to move a little. So Taehyung had offered him a tour of his duplex apartment. Really, it is not tremendously big, but Tae had made sure to tell him some stories about it. The place has two bedrooms, one is Taehyung's and the other one is used as a sort of library, because according to Taehyung, he loves to read. He also has a computer in there, because Taehyung also loves gaming and some of the presents fans had given him. The bathroom has a huge bathtub that Taehyung himself had asked to be colored deep purple, when first hearing that, Seokjin thought it'd look ridiculous but in fact, it really doesn't. If anything it looks really expensive but Tae assures it was not a big deal. Then he showed him his closet, filled with abstract patterns and ties, it seems like each one held a story and for a good time, Seokjin just sat and listened. Which one he had bought where, which had been the first tie Jungkook got for him and the first one Jimin gave him.

After that, they moved to the kitchen. Seokjin found that Taehyung is not really a good cook, so he tries to eat before coming home. It makes him wonder how much effort the young idol put into the noodle soup he made for him. He doesn't ask about it but the fact remains that it makes him feel a sort of warmness that he doesn't usually get from any other person, not even Yunhee, a deep side of his mind reminds him but Seokjin lets the thought pass. That's how they end up in the living room, where Seokjin asked why he didn't have any other pictures of his friends apart from Jungkook and Jimin. To which Taehyung replied that he didn't have any other friends, Seokjin inquired about his labelmates and that's how the idol ended up telling him about what his representation had done, how they took what was rightfully his and then tried to blacklist him as problematic. Seokjin found it nice how grateful he had expressed himself to be with HitMan Entertainment's CEO for having believed in him when no one else did.

"Having someone who believes in you is a little, huge thing" Taehyung had said and Seokjin's mind kept repeating the phrase over and over again in his mind. So much that even if that topic was almost over, he couldn't help himself before speaking. "Is that why you chose to work with me?" he asks out of nowhere, breaking the comfortable silence they had submerged themselves in. "What?" Taehyung reacts, from the opposite side of the giant couch in his living room. "Did you choose to work with me because you believed in me?" Taehyung seemingly becomes a little nervous, he grabs on the hem of his colorful shirt with both hands. He looks down and nods. "That is part of the reason, yes" Taehyung declares with a quiet tone, almost too silent to be heard but enough for Jin to catch the phrase.

"Part of the reason?" he asks, Taehyung nods still with his eyes down on the spot where he's playing with the hem of his shirt. "What's the other part then?" Jin inquires and sees as Taehyung's face sweetly lights up with a soft blush. "I can't tell you yet" Tae says then, lifting his gaze towards Seokjin. "When then?" Jin's truly curious now, he figures whatever reason Taehyung had can't be that bad or that meaningful, it was probably just out of resumes so he doesn't know why the idol refuses to say. "When the time is right, I promise to tell you" Tae tells him with a little smile. "When will the time be right?" Seokjin really doesn't know why he's pushing too much, normally if someone doesn't want to tell him something, he just dismisses them and their ideas. So he finds it odd how he can't do that now, he really wants to know what's on Taehyung's mind, he should know him, after all. He is his artist.

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