VIII: Thank You

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Comeback season is probably one of the hardest phases of an idol's career. No matter how established the were, no matter how many times they've done this, it was a tiring and consuming time for the idol...and their management. It had been so long since Jin went through this, helping someone go through comeback season, being there for all the performances, staying up until ungodly hours to film music shows, making sure his artist is okay, that he eats well, that he sleeps a little even if that's while the stylists do his makeup. It has been long but Jin is happy to say that he has not lost his skill.

The video release was a wonderful success, the view count ascended to millions in a matter of hours, the song debuted first in all but one major real time charts (the one left being awfully close to Taehyung's old representation company) and it had maintained the first spot for days. Even recorded a great amount of unique listeners, hitting rooftop in three major charts. Seokjin was immensely proud. Taehyung had worked so hard, even after being robbed by his company, mocked in the media even mistreated by his own new manager- something Seokjin is definitely not proud of- Taehyung pulled through. He worked so hard and it was paying off.

Of course, that came with even more hard work. By the second week of promotion, Taehyung was feeling the exhaustion. He'd fall asleep before the music show stages, especially on that one time Jin drove him to film a stage right after having filmed a variety show. He had played there, made some penalties and had a good time in the company of new younger idols, whom he had become friends with in no time. That exercise, however, cost him lots of energy and stamina that he severely lacked before his performance. "I'll be over very soon" Jin had told him, stroking Tae's tired eyes as they fluttered closed. "I'll take you home right after, I promise" he had said and Taehyung had smiled at him, a tired but very fond smile that made Seokjin feel oddly undeserving.

That was another deal by the way, Seokjin was having lots of trouble with his emotions lately. He was unstable after having fought with Yunhee, yet again. But what else was he supposed to do? When she invited him to dinner one night at her home only to surprise him with the presence of her parents and his dad ready to sign a check he never asked for. He had obviously refused even when Yunhee's parents insisted and insisted on him taking the money. At the end, having lost a great amount of his limited patience, with a quite stern tone, Seokjin made it perfectly clear that he did not intend on buying a new apartment right away and that he was not spending a whole lot of money in the wedding either.

Needless to say, the atmosphere turned awkward then. Yunhee's parents had left early, the woman's dad insisting again saying that his princess deserves only the best and Seokjin agreed, but he did not necessarily think that meant he had to spend his life savings on every whim his fianceé had. If he was perfectly honest, he had more than enough money to buy two apartments if he liked, but that was not the point. He wanted to save money so that they could move into a house in the future, raise a family without complications and live calmly. Yunhee, however, only wanted a new apartment, a new car, a big wedding and since she didn't work anymore- keeping money only from her idol career and so on- all of her wishes laid on Seokjin's hands and he was not really sure if that was the right way. He knew he could be a great husband, he just wished Yunhee could see beyond his wallet. He had so much to give her, a life full of happiness but somehow that didn't seem to be what Yunhee wanted and that should hurt but he didn't feel anything. Which was already weird, he loves Yunhee. He does right?

"Ten minutes, Seokjin- ssi" a voice suddenly cuts Jin's train of thought. "Ah- yeah" Seokjin replies, he gets back to the present. Filming in a music show, is late, or early, doesn't matter. The point is that is almost three in the morning. The crew is tired, everyone is. Taehyung is being fitted on his performance clothes, Seokjin watches closely. The makeup artists had done a wonderful job covering the few imperfections in Tae's face that could reveal how exhausted he feels. "Everyone, we going in five" he announces, everyone hears it but few people react. In between those, Taehyung who nods and smiles at Seokjin. Something tickles in Jin's belly...which is the other part of his emotions that he's been having trouble with. Something he has pushed himself not to think of because he's scared to find answers to the questions he doesn't want to ask himself but that are ever present in the deepest and darkest side of his mind.

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