To the One Before:

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The nights with the two of us against each other felt like hot magic
And the nights that went on for days felt as if we were immortal
More like ephemeral
As they no longer exist between you and I
And they faded in an instant

The way we used to hug felt amazing
The way you cried into my arms made my heart break
But it wasn't until you made my heart break was it a problem
Now, indescribable
As there are no words to describe what had been done

The nights we spent separated by walls we've built for ourselves were painful
To know you were alone made me cry
But for you to know I was crying made me weak
I was supposed to be your knight in shining armor
So I never told you much about what I went through
Other than what you needed to
I began to suffer in the loudest symphony of silence imaginable

I couldn't tell you how many nights I begged to hold you
How many years went by with childish feelings living within my chest for you
How many tear filled breakdowns
How many rejections
How many nights of failed attempts went by
How many times I thought of you
And decided not to die
Because our love was immortal
More like ephemeral
Because it no longer exists between the two of us
And it all faded in an instant

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