To Someone Who Could've Been:

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The love song that put you and I together was stuck in my head
In an instant the past few years of my life played like a drama through my brain
The tears
The laughs
The painful memories

"Thank you, I won't forget anything"
No matter how hard I try
No matter how far I move on
You will somehow still be there
I feel nothing towards you

"Day by day I felt you slipping from me and then you left me with words to say"
So here they are
I've moved on
Found someone new
But no one I've found is quite like you
No one since you've been gone has been as cold but somehow still mesmerizing
No one has been so suffocating with a glance
No one changes quite like you
No one has hid their feelings from me
I knew you felt something for me
But I guess another slut off your line could do it for you
You never could admit it
You never even talked to me
People talk to me now
And they talk to me like I'm a human
I feel like a human now
I feel like I can live now
Like I can breathe without the thought of your judgement
I get stuff done
Well, I always did but now I don't have to be called a "rat" or a "dog"
I am just me
And that's all there is to it

You were a beautiful white carnation
So graceful and peaceful
But then I came
A blue dye
And permanently changed you
A depressing shade of blue you now hold
Then they let you die

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