What would be of our economy and personal expenditure in the Chinese and African's role were to be exchanged.
A Chinese success in my life is judged on how much money he has. So don't blame them if they love their money that much.
Neither should they be judged on appearance. It is absolutely normal to see a foul smelling man with oily patches on his clothes bypassing a well groomed hot chick at the bank.
The reason you asked? That plastic bag he has under his arms might contain more cash that you have ever seen.
African have that thing about them that they kind of live for the day. They do buy luxury cars, furniture and led screens on their first payroll. They don't care whether they will go into debt or give back their properties.
It is true that nothing can beat the feeling of driving a brand new M3 even if it was for a week.
However was the situation to be exchanged, we would have been leaving in a beauriful world. African would actually own real actual money. The way that money could be used instead of buying fancy cars is indefinite.
The eradication of famine, poverty and HIV would be a step closer.
I love my Chinese friends. But sorry, having a lot of money without spending it is like going to the bathroom to pee in the sink.
China is Africa
HumorChina's annual exports of human hair to Africa has gone well beyond the $10m. Imagine, just imagine a world where it would be just the opposite.