01 - Invitation to Beacon

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"Aha! I was right! Vale was more beautiful at night!"

(y/n) was walking through the late night streets of Vale before he stopped dead in his tracks. He began to hear suspicious noises in a nearby shop and hid behind the door to investigate. There he sees a group of men in black suits with red accents and fedoras. As well as one man with orange hair and a white suit.

He sighed before entering the store and started looking at the items on one of the shelves.

"Did he just..." The orange haired man asked one of his henchmen who shrugged in reply.

"Well? Do something!" He commanded one henchman.

(y/n) ignored them and headed to an isle to inspect one of the dust bottles, uncorking it and placing it on his hand to inspect the dust quality.

"Hey bud! You blind or just have a death wish?" The henchman approached the (h/c) haired boy and pulled his shoulder, making him face him.

"Heya! Don't blink!" He smirked.


(y/n) opened his palm of dust and blew it to the henchman's face and into his eyes, causing him to temporarily go blind. (y/n) then kicked him into a shelf of dust crystals causing it to explode.

"Why you little!" A henchman yelled before dashing to him and slashing his sword only to be blocked by a block of metal with a handle.

"Woah! Too close!" He snickered before this metal extended to a larger sword.

He flicked his wrist, the sharp edge of his sword now facing his opponent. He jumps and presses a button, causing the weapon to shoot from the hilt while using the momentum to project himself backwards. He extended his legs and  dropkicked the enemy behind him with enough impact to knock him out.

"Alrighty! One, two, three-" He counted before seeing the man in a white suit run off carrying a briefcase.

"Dang it!" He sighed before busting out the window and facing the orange haired man.

"Ugh! Seriously?! This is the second time this week!" He complained.

"E-Eh? W-What?"

"What's it take to rob a store around here?!" He sighed before lifting his crane and shooting (y/n).

"Crap! Did not see that coming!" (y/n) muttered as he jumped away to avoid the projectile.

He landed only to notice that his opponent disappeared. He looked around to see him climbing up a ladder to a rooftop on a nearby building.

"How'd you... get there so quickly?" He asked in shock before jumping on his sword and shooting it to project himself onto the rooftop.

"Come on! Let's leave quick! Wouldn't want her to catch us again..." The orange haired man yelled into an airship before it took off.

"W-Wait! Oi! Come back!" He yelled as the airship flew off into the distance.

'Before who catches them again?' He sighed before sheathing his weapon and turning to see a blonde lady behind him.

"Ah! Hello!"

"They got away... Anyhow, please follow me." She sighed.

Cutting to a dark room with only one light source in a suspiciously secluded area, (y/n) was sitting on a chair while the blonde lady was standing beside the chair opposite of (y/n)'s. The scowl on the woman's face only meant that (y/n) was in trouble.

"I can't believe you did that. That was dangerous and immature." She scolded while (y/n) kept his head down.

"Well, you see-"

"What were you doing out here in this late of an evening?" 

"I was um... sightseeing?"

"S-Sightseeing?! If it were up to me, I would have had you sent home with a pat on the back and a slap on the wrist." She stated, slamming her weapon on the table.

"But someone would like to meet you." She sighed, pulling back her weapon and walking to the side of the room.

The sound of footsteps echoed the room as the figure of a man stepped out of the dark alleyway, carrying a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. He stepped closer to the table, allowing himself to be exposed by the light. He had brown eyes and glasses, as well as silver hair. He took a second to look at (y/n) before speaking.

"(y/n) (l/n)." He stated, giving off a warm smile. He set down the cookies and milk in front of (y/n) and sat in front of him, holding a tablet with footage of the fight.

"So tell me (y/n), where did you learn to fight?" He asked.

"H-Haven Academy." (y/n) replied, cautiously grabbing a cookie.

"Who taught you?"

"Well, I learned it myself... Professor." 

"Professor? So you know who I am?" 

"O-Of course. You're Professor Ozpin, I'll be applying to your school next next year." He took a bite out of the cookie before his eyes lit up like fireworks and began aggressively stuffing his mouth full of cookies.

"I see..." Ozpin replied with a light laugh. 

"I'm sorry, you just remind me of another person around your age, we just invited her to Beacon a few days ago." 

"She must be lucky." (y/n) sighed, grabbing the glass of milk and taking a sip out of it.

"Well, I'd like to offer you the same invitation." 


"Yes, you will be skipping over the next two years and proceed directly into the university."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Professor!" He replied in an almost childlike attitude.

"Now, sign these papers and prepare to leave Mistral at 9 AM in two days, Professor Goodwitch?" He called as Goodwitch opened a suitcase containing documents and dropped them in front of (y/n).

(y/n) eagerly began signing the documents and filing out the paperwork and Goodwitch stood beside Ozpin. After signing everything, he was given a ticket to an airship to Beacon on the mentioned date. 

"Oh! I didn't know it was this late! My professor is going to be furious!" (y/n) chugged his glass of milk before standing out and quickly dashing out.

"Thank you for the opportunity Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch! I won't let you down!" He yelled, bolting out of the door. 

Ozpin and Goodwitch smiled and gave a small wave.

"Are you sure about this? This is the second time." She whispered, stressing "second".

"Glynda, what do the both of them have in common?"

"Well, they fought, irresponsibly, may I add."

"Irresponsibly, but bravely. They could have left the situation unaffected."


"To jump into a situation to save those who cannot save themselves are what defines hunters and huntresses. Many of which now lack this quality." He stated, taking a sip out of his coffee.

"Well, if you say so." Goodwitch sighed, as she packed up the documents and headed towards the hallway.

"Hmmm... Ruby Rose and (y/n) (l/n), let's see what fate has in store for you both" Ozpin smiled before standing up to leave the room.

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