Im struggling too

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Ruby and Jan were pushing the stretcher back along the corridor when Iain walked up behind them. "Well done we did it" Said Iain walking up behind ruby "what's wrong?" He asked "we? You mean you? You played the big man you went off on your own you saved the day" said jan "oh woah woah woah what was I supposed to do?" Asked Iain "what were you supposed to do? We're a team we're supposed to work together" Said ruby "oh does that include one team member telling tales on the other" Said Iain "oh don't be so childish" said Jan butting in "well I'm just saying" Said Iain under his breath "do you know what that's enough" said Jan "no do you know what I can't do this" Said ruby walking off. Jan dropped the handle and walked over to Iain "that girl saved your life, she was the one who found you, she found you because she worked out something wasn't right with you and then, she worked out what had happened to you, and when nobody believed her she went running around like crazy digging all round your house and in your neighbours bins" she said "Alright that's enough" said Iain "just to prove what happened, which saved you life" she continued "imagine what that's done to her, to all of us, what happened didn't just happen to you, and we're not over it either, yet" said Jan. "now that girl is owed an apology and a big thank you for what she did" said Jan he nodded "Alright I'll go and find her" he said walking off to find Ruby "and a meaningful one not a sarcastic one!" Shouted Jan after him. Iain walked into the ambulance station and saw Ruby sitting on a chair outside the door just watching the cars drive past. He walked over taking another chair with him, he sat down next to her and didn't say anything for a minute. "I'm sorry" he said "it doesn't matter" she replied "yes it does" he said "honestly Iain forget about it" she said "you've been crying" he said "I'm fine" she said turning to look away from him "no your upset Ruby" he said putting his hand on her leg she stood up she was annoyed and angry and upset and she didn't know what she was saying "I'm upset because of you Iain!" She cried walking off he just sat there he knew that he had hurt her so much and he deserved that. Jan walked over to Iain and sat down "where's ruby?" She asked "I don't know Jan but she's really upset, she shouted at me told me she was upset because of me which I deserved but I've never seen her so angry" he said Jan nodded "leave her let me talk to her" she said "I'm going to tell her to go home she's not fit to work like that" she said getting up Iain got up too and as they turned around Ruby was standing there tears streaming down her face "it's okay I'm going home" she said walking off tears streaming down her face. "Ruby! Ruby! If you walk away don't come back" Said Jan not meaning what she was saying but saying it so Ruby would come back. She stopped and turned around "sack me, I don't want to work here anymore anyway" she said walking away crying. Iain looked at Jan "don't sack her Jan" he said "I'm not going to" she said walking into her office. "I want to ring her next of kin so they can make sure she's home safe and alright" she said looking in her staffing book. "She has no next of kin" she said looking up at Iain he looked shocked "Dad? Siblings?" He asked "no one" she said "oh Ruby" he said quietly. "I think that girls had life quite tricky" Said Jan Iain nodded "well we need to be her next of kin then" he said looking at her "Iain she's never going to forgive us, who knows if she'll even come back" said Jan "I'll take my chances on someone like her" he said. Just then Iain's phone rang "hello" he said on the other end was Hannah another paramedic "just wanted to let you know we've been called out to Ruby" she said "what happened!" He said "she was in a car accident" she said "is she alright?!" He panicked "she's alright nothing too serious I don't think but she's panicking she's stuck in the car and she's asking for you" she said "for me?" He asked "quickly Iain she's panicking" she said "where are you?" He asked "outside the rose and crown pub" she said "I'm on my way" he said. "Where are you going?" Asked Jan following him "Ruby's been in an accident" he said getting in the car Jan got in and he drove down the street. They got there and Ruby was stuck in the car and the young lads that had crashed into her and flipped her car were out fine. Iain ran over to the car and Hannah grabbed him "just comfort her whilst the fire crew get her out" she said he nodded and opened the other door climbing in the passenger seat "I'm here" he said she moved her arm to hold his hand "I'm sorry" she cried "you've got nothing to be sorry about" he smiled "alright go on" Shouted Iain the fire crew praised the car open so they had access to Ruby Iain climbed out and walked round to her side Ruby can you get out?" He asked holding her hands she pushed herself out and lied on the floor with her hands to her head "what's hurting?" He asked "my back" she cried "Alright immobilise her" he said Hannah immobilised her and they got her into the ambulance and Iain sat holding her hand "do you think, I've hurt myself badly?" She asked crying "no, no I think you might just have concussion and a jarred back and lots of cuts and bruises" he smiled she nodded and smiled "thank you for coming for me I'm sorry for saying such horrible things" she said "you didn't say anything horrible everything you said was 100% true" he smiled kissing her hand.

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