A couple of weeks later

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Iain was round Ruby's they weren't together or anything just good friends. They were sitting in the front room when the news was on "missing girl" was the headline. "Oh bless her she's only 8" said Ruby "wait I recognise her" Said Iain "what?" She asked "I don't know I just recognise her" he said "I'm sure they will find her" she smiled he nodded and smiled at her "me too" he smiled. They watched the Tv and then the news came on again later "a names been revealed" said Ruby as Iain was in the kitchen "what?" He asked "that little girl" she shouted back he walked in "Frankie Harper" she said as he walked in he looked at her "that's that girl that I FaceTimed whilst I was in the call centre!" He said "what? Are you being serious?" She asked he nodded "Ruby we need to find her!" He cried she stood up and grabbed Iain's hand "stop Iain, that's a job for the police, as much as I want that little girl to be alright, we save lives we don't investigate missing children she's not your responsibility" she said tears streamed down Iain's face and she opened her arms he hugged her and she held him tightly. "Her favourite place to play was the play park the indoor one that you could go to at all times, she loved it she told me" he almost cried "Listen Iain I want you to promise me something" she said he nodded "don't try and look for her you will do more harm than good" she said Iain just held her tightly and she smiled "your upset I get that" she said holding his face in her hands "Ruby, I can't just stand by" he said "I know you find it hard to stand and watch but sometimes we're much better on the sidelines" she said still holding his face he nodded "Do you want to stay here tonight?" She asked wiping his tears away "you don't have to do that Ruby" he said she nodded "i know but your my friend and I want to do that" she said he held her hands and smiled "thank you" he said "I just don't want you getting into trouble" she smiled "I'll go and set up the spare room" she smiled letting go of him, "I can do that" he said "you stay here" she smiled he nodded as she walked up the stairs. She walked back down 10 minutes later and Iain wasn't there "Iain!" She shouted "Iain!" She said he wasn't in the house and his car had gone. She knew he had gone to find her. She ran out to her car and started the engine "where?" She thought "the play area" she said out loud.
At the play area:
Iain pulled up and the play area had collapsed there was nobody there. He got out of his car and ran to it climbing through the gaps "Frankie!" He shouted. He saw her laying there and then his phone rang he picked it up it was Ruby "Ruby I've got her!" He said she was standing outside "Iain where are you?" She asked "at the play area!" He said "so am I it's collapsed" she said "Ruby she's hurt!" He cried "Iain don't move it could collapse more!" She shouted almost demanding him "I'm near her I think she's breathing" he said Ruby dialled 999 and then rang Iain back "don't move Iain helps on its way!" She said "I'm nearly with her" he said moving towards her as he moved forwards he caught his arm on something and it started to bleed "ah!" He said "Iain!" Shouted Ruby "Iain Are you Alright!" She shouted he nodded "yeah" he said "what was that noise" she asked "I've cut my arm alright" he said "is it bad?" She asked "no it's fine" he said. Ruby was so similar to Iain she couldn't stand by and watch and Iain wouldn't talk to her on the end of the phone she needed to check he was alright and so was Frankie she ran up the steps and climbed through the hole "Iain" she shouted she could hear rustling "Iain please just don't move" she said she was smaller she could fit through pretty easily. She got near to Iain "what are you doing?" He asked "keeping pressure on this before you bleed out she said holding her scarf to his bleeding arm "she's okay she's breathing and has a steady pulse" he said sitting down beside her they heard sirens and Iain moved his feet from under him and something fell hitting Ruby's shoulder "Ruby!" He shouted "I'm alright" she said shaking it off. They sat down with Frankie and gave her some comfort until the fire service could get them out. Iain rested his head on Ruby's shoulder "the one that hadn't been hit, which was secretly causing her agony, despite this she had a hand on Iain's arm putting pressure on the wound and a hand on Frankie's wrist to keep checking her pulse. "Your good aren't you?" Said Iain Ruby Smiled "I need to be when I'm around you" she smiled letting go of Frankie's wrist and holding him close "thank you" he said "for what?" She asked "for coming in after me" he said she smiled "I needed to make sure you were both okay" she smiled he nodded as something crumbled. They were being crammed down into a tiny space and the boards above them were starting to crumble. Only seconds later the ceiling crumbled in and Iain shielded Frankie's head with his arm and grabbed Ruby with the other Ruby screamed and everything went black.

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