Unharnessed Power

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Sansa once again felt nervous, having been summoned by the Queen. However, when she arrived at Daenerys' quarters, she discovered that there was nothing to fear. The Queen smiled and embraced her, before asking Sansa to sit.
"Lady Sansa, I wanted to speak to you about marriage." Daenerys stated, causing Sansa to blush a deep shade of crimson.
"I have the knowledge that you have been married twice, have you not?" Daenerys asked and Sansa knew that she could not deny her an answer.
"Yes, your highness. First to Tyrion Lannister, then to Ramsay Bolton." Sansa stated, staring at her hands in her lap.
"And have you ever lied with a man?" Sansa's head snapped up, looking at the confident Queen, wondering what had prompted such a question.
"I am unsure how to answer that question, your Highness." Sansa replied, unsure how to describe what had happened between her and Ramsay.
"Nonsense." Daenerys replied, unsatisfied with her answer. Sansa took a deep breath and wondered how to respond.
"I have never willingly laid with a man. But physically, yes, a man has taken me." Daenerys now understood of what Sansa spoke. She felt the colour drain from her face, knowing that a girl so young should never be put into such a situation.
"I understand. Well this time shall be different. Baelish will never force, let me assure you of that." She stated, realising that this was going to be far more challenging than she had once suspected.

Sansa felt uncomfortable speaking of such things with the Queen. But part of her was glad that she had someone who she could ask her questions to.
"I am worried, your Highness." Sansa admitted, after a short amount of time.
"Tell me of your worries." Daenerys invited Sansa, hoping that she could offer some advice. Sansa felt herself blush deeply, but then took a deep breath and confessed.
"Lord Baelish's profession is in the whoring world. He has trained some of the finest lovers in King's Landing. But I am not so experienced and I do not possess such skill and I fear that he will be disappointed with me." Sansa looked down at her hands, feeling very embarrassed by the topic of conversation. Daenerys stopped for a moment, wondering how to reply.
"Lord Baelish does own whorehouses but I do not believe that he himself takes pleasure in the women he employs. Baelish does not want a courtesan, he wants you, with all of your innocent charm and beauty." Sansa wondered if the Queen could be right. Petyr must have found her attractive, else he would not have asked her to be his bride. However, the night that they had laid together, he had not made a single improper move, which made Sansa slightly nervous.

Daenerys realised that talking was going to be of no use. So, she invited Sansa to walk with her around the city.
"Look how that woman gazes at Grey Worm." Daenerys pointed to the large breasted woman. She looked up from under her blonde lashes, in a way Sansa had only seen whores and perhaps Margaery Tyrell do.
"Yes, your Highness. I see." Sansa replied, feeling flustered looking at the woman.
"Your eyes are your most powerful tool. They will allow you to communicate to Baelish your desires, without having to physically compromise yourself." Daenerys stated, feeling a strange sense of authority. Sansa looked timidly around as she gripped to the sleeves of her shirt. Daenerys stopped her then.
"You do feel such desires for Baelish, do you not?" She asked, wondering if she was teaching Sansa useless knowledge. Sansa blushed deeply, speaking of such things in public.
"Yes, your Highness. I do." Sansa whispered as quietly as she could. Daenerys smiled, glad that there was a side of Sansa that she could now see.
"I have a task for you. We shall walk past Lord Baelish in his quarters and you shall look at him in the way you just saw that woman do." Daenerys plotted gleefully.
"Your Highness, I do not know if that would be right." Sansa became flustered. However, when Daenerys hooked her arm through her's, she felt more relaxed.
"No no, it is quite normal for a man and a woman to play such games when they are in such an arrangement." And with that, they set off, to find Lord Baelish.

Petyr had sat outside that day, after tea with Sansa that morning. He answered letters from the vale and from other ends of the earth. The world had become very boring, he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes at yet another marriage proposal for the Queen. However, the safety of the people was more important than his own amusement, he had to remind himself. Once he had answered all of his letters, he sat, drinking wine and pondering upon his future and as if he had summoned her, Sansa rounded the corner, walking with the Queen. She was wearing a deep butterscotch gown, with her hair worn elegantly.
"Lord Baelish, may we join you?" The Queen asked, much to Baelish's surprise.
"Yes, of course, your Highness." He replied, rises and offering her the chair opposite him.
"Sansa, you sit there. I shall sit beside Lord Baelish." Petyr smiled at Sansa, who thanked him for the chair.

Daenerys made sure that Sansa would be in Petyr's line of sight. They had practiced on the way over and Daenerys had to admit that there was a part of Sansa that she believed nobody had ever seen before. She smiled inwardly, knowing that she would take pleasure in seeing Lord Baelish squirm under Sansa's lustful gaze.

Sansa felt strangely confident. She had found a potential power within herself that she had never felt before. It helped that Petyr looked incredibly handsome that day, out in the sun. Wearing his finest clothes, with his moustache trimmed and his hair smoothed. She watched the light glimmer from his ring and prepared herself.

Petyr turned to the Queen as she began speaking about their new industry in dragon glass. She was very impressed with the interest that they had received and Petyr thanked her for the compliment. He could not resist, as the conversation lulled for a moment, looking over to Sansa. He had expected her to be looking down at her hands, or perhaps listening with intent. However, when he looked upon her, she was looking at him with an intent that he had not expected. Her eyes had darkened and pooled with an emotion he had never truly seen from her before. And unlike all of the times before, she did not look away as he stared at her. Daenerys' voice blurred into the background as Sansa gazed at Petyr from under her eyelashes. Petyr attempted to continue the conversation, but found himself quite in another mind. He found his eyes drifting to her lips and noticed the blush that appeared on Sansa's face as he did so.
"Do you not think it is a fine idea, Lord Baelish?" Daenerys' voice was playful in this moment, knowing that she had caught Petyr off guard.
"Y-yes, most definitely." He replied, slowly, not being able to divert his eyes from Sansa for more than a moment. When his eyes returned to her, his mouth watered and his jaw slackened as he saw her tongue dart from her mouth to moisten her lips, after which, her mouth remained open in the smallest of attitudes, and he felt himself crumble, useless to the world in this moment.

Daenerys knew exactly what she had done and she was very proud of herself indeed. She had given Sansa a power that she had never truly harnessed before. Petyr looked enraptured by her and the best thing for them to do now, was to leave him to contemplate what had just happened.
"It is time for us to leave you, I am afraid, Lord Baelish. Come, Sansa." Daenerys summoned her.
"Good day, Lord Baelish." Sansa drooled and it seemed as if there was a new sultry tone to her voice.
"Good day." He replied, sitting back in his chair, taking a goblet of wine into his hand and watching her leave, turning back to look at him one last time, smiling in a way that made him think dangerous thoughts.

Sansa was released from the Queen after their encounter with Baelish and part of her wished she could go back to him, but she knew she should not. So, she retired to her quarters and rested, hoping that the lust filled images in her brain would dull through slumber.

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