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Blake's POV:
"Well done boys another great set tonight", said our manager Joe who patted us each on the shoulder as we walked past. The three of us walked into the dressing room and started to change, and pack up our stuff so that we could all go straight back to the hotel. Whilst I was packing, I was thinking about going down to this little garden spot beside the hotel that we were staying at. It was a small little garden place that not many people went to, which had benches, fairy lights and plants, including many flowers that were identical to the ones my mum had at home. It didn't sound like much, but it had become my little spot over the past few days that we had been in Sheffield. It had become sort of my place where I could go to think, or even clear my head if anything was on my mind or to gaze at all the pink, white and blue flowers which reminded me of my mum and sister if I was missing home.

Of course, George knew about this little, almost secret place of mine, since we have been staying here for almost a week now working between rehearsing, shows and days off he had wondered where I had been going. He thought it sounded like a cute little spot and had told me that he would come down to enjoy the garden's beauty sometime with me, but he hadn't and I guess George won't either.

George's POV:
"Alright boys, straight to the van now nice and quick", Ben said escorting us out of the venue away from the screams of fans which still seemed so close. The venue that tonight's show was in was incredible! And the fans here have been some of the best yet. But something's not right, Blake's not right. Being in a band for three years with these guys and I would usually have been able to figure out what was bothering him just by looking at his face but recently he's changed, he hasn't been himself, and the usual happy, smiley Blake was slowly leaving the boy I thought I once knew. I have so many questions I want to ask like what on earth could it be that's bothering him? And why is this the one thing he is refusing to tell me and Reece about?, but anytime I come close to asking I feel sorrow for the fragile, worn out looking boy who I could tell was breaking inside just that little bit more each day, over something I could never seem to place my finger on.

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