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Reece's POV (continued):
Thinking back to last night when me and Blake fell asleep so close to each other could possibly be why his arm was around me now. Well, when I say around me I mean it was over the covers and gently placed around my shoulder as I was still facing Blake. I lay watching Blake sleep as I contemplated on whether or not I should either wake him up, gently move his arm off of me, or to leave him be. By looking at how cute he was, I decided to leave him asleep plus, it felt good to be so close to him with his arm around me.

I was imagining what it would be like to be able to wake up beside Blake like this every morning when I heard a soft, "Morning R". I slowly turned around careful to not wake up the sleeping brunette, and I saw George facing me from his bed. "Hey G, I didn't know you were up", I tiredly whispered back to George. "I saw you start to stir so I figured you'd be awake soon, plus I'm always awake before you guys", He replied back as I noticed his gaze move from me to Blake's arm and back again. I looked back at Blake to make sure he was still sleeping as I had a few questions to ask George, and I thought now would be the right time to ask as I was still wondering what he meant by "feel the same", when he was talking to Blake last night.

"Hey G, I've to ask you something, it's about...", I began but before I could finish George started to get out of bed and said, "Look at the time we better start getting up, we have press all day today and we don't want to be late, come on". I could tell he knew what I was going to ask and tried to change the subject before he had to answer. I was going to ask him again but decided not to as I didn't want to start up an argument at this time of the day.

Me and George were up and dressed in half an hour, which is quite good timing for us as we used to spend ages getting ready, because we would mess around in the hotel rooms before actually getting ready for the day.

I was just finishing fixing my hair when George decided that we should wake up Blake. I said no to him which earned me a confused look back so I quickly went back to doing my hair.
An hour later we were all up and ready, including Blake who had to change his shirt three times before he settled on a red shirt with white stripes before we left, which in my opinion looked amazing.

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