Do you trust me?

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Blake's POV:
"Remember what I said, if this isn't sorted out by tomorrow then all of you are going home and none of you are finishing the tour, now goodnight boys". Ben said, as he and Tanner left our hotel room after helping us bring up our bags and stuff from the show. As the door closed, the three of us remained in silence until George spoke up. "I think we should start right from the beginning", As George spoke I looked over at Reece who nodded his head and sat down on our bed as me and George followed.

Thinking back to the first conversation I had with George in the garden in Sheffield, I told Reece everything. I still felt as if there was no point as it wouldn't change things back to the way they were just a few nights ago. That was, until he told me his side of the story.

"I have always felt something towards guys, I was never into girls growing up, I never told anyone about my sexuality, and as you both know, I even had a girlfriend for a few months. It was more by choice then habit that I never told anyone. I thought that I'd be able to keep it a secret. That was, until I realised I felt something more towards you Blake". Listening to Reece tell me how he felt around me made my anger soften just a little bit, but the thoughts of the past few nights still lingered clear in my mind.

"I won't lie when I say that I was a bit surprised, when you kissed me after the show a few nights ago. I wasn't expecting it at all, I thought it would have taken a few days, or weeks for you to even say I love you". As I listened to Reece's words, I smiled sadly to myself, as I realised that night now seemed so long ago. "I felt as if it was the start of something that was meant to happen, and that nothing could break the bond between you and me. But then... I ruined it". Reece's words trailed off quietly as he spoke in a tearful voice.

"But this is where you have to believe me Blake. You have thoughts in your mind that certainly aren't true, so I need you to listen and trust me. Do you?". I looked down at Reece's hand, he had his fingers closed apart from the smallest one, he held it out to me as he waited for me to make my promise. Hesitantly, I wrapped my finger around his and held it tight, as he gave me a small smile in appreciation before continuing.

"As you and George know, I was so drunk that night that we hung out with The Vamps. When Tristan asked me that question, you, were the first thought that popped into my mind. I remember telling myself that I wouldn't do anything stupid, like telling the boys about you and me, but I guess I could have thought about what I said next before actually saying it.

I won't lie to you, and say that my reply was just a lie, because it wasn't. Anaïs had texted me that day, but she had texted me to catch up, not because she still loved me. I even have the messages on my phone to prove." He added as he took his phone out of his pocket and looked at me willingly. "Don't", I said, "I believe you", My voice was nearly a whisper as I gently pushed the phone back to Reece.
As he put his phone down beside him, I watched as he moved uncomfortably around before talking again. "This is where I have to apologise. Big time."

"Thinking back to that day, I should have told both of you where I was going, but as I was a slight bit hungover, I got up late and didn't have much time before I was to meet her." As I listened to Reece, I remembered back to that day, and I knew what happened next.

"When I heard you get annoyed at me when I told you where I was going, made me feel as if not telling you was a mistake. And I wanted to let you know that I loved you, and only you. I will admit it hurt, but I guess I deserved you pushing me away, it was my own fault after all." I looked down at my hand as tears silently fell down my face. At the time I thought I had done the right thing by pushing him away, but hearing it from Reece made me realise how foolish it was of me to let him go.

"I also know that there's a picture", The moment I heard the word picture, I knew exactly what he was on about, the picture of him looking at Anaïs with love in his eyes. "But that picture was taken completely out of context Blake", Reece noticed how I had my head down and gazed at me until I looked up at him. "When we were catching up, a few fans who had their phones held up, waved at me from outside the window, but the moment they turned up, was also the exact moment that Anaïs surprised me with her tickets to our show." As I thought about it more, everything began to finally make sense.

"And when I got to the venue I wanted to tell you she was coming, but you kept pushing me away.", As Reece spoke he looked into my eyes.
"But what I said when we got back here had no reason to happen", "When you shouted at me about Anaïs, it was the first time I had thought about how it looked, and I tried to tell you that I wasn't in love with her, but it came out all wrong.", As Reece spoke about our fight, and when he shouted at me that he didn't love anyone, His eyes welled up with tears.

"I need you to trust and believe me Blake when I say it was a mistake. I was a wreck, just like you, and what I said wasn't true. I love you more then anyone in this world, and I need you to know that." He said through his sobs.

"When I stayed with The Vamps, I only drank to try and get the heartbroken image of you out of my head, but when I was dared to kiss that girl, my stomach completely turned. But as I was a mess, and extremely drunk I did it, and I shouldn't have, I know". I looked into Reece's emerald, green eyes that were now glistening from the tears. "When I kissed her all that I could think about was how wrong it felt that I wasn't kissing the love of my life. And as our fight came flooding back into my mind, I got more into it in the attempt of blocking out the memory of me hurting you". As he spoke the last few words, his voice was nearly a whisper as harsh sobs took over his voice. "I'm sorry Blake, I'm so sorry".

Reece's shoulders shook gently as he broke down crying in front of me. Seeing him in such a state made me let go of my own tears, and I let them flow harshly down my own face. Listening to Reece had made me realise how careless I had been to him, by not listening to him when he wanted to talk, and by pushing him away, filled me up with guilt as I now knew that it wasn't just Reece's fault, it was mine too.

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