chap 4- Monday 24th june 2019

14 0 0

tyler: there are only 2 more cida lessons and im sad but im going to fucking murder someone because I hate everyone fuck you matt you retard. Caitlin is also a frukcingt retard whore bottom bitch cuck retard idiot.

Caitlin: With the last chapter brought our first literary flop. Oof.

You better fix this lads.

Matt: bye

tyler: when you are contributing to this,youre supposed to say something slightly fucking relevant fuck you.

Matt: OK.

tyler: the first chapter was the best one Caitlin what the fuck it has like 80 views

Caitlin : You know I'm top bitch though, right?

This has been the first true conflict in the story

you think you're top dyke? I agree

I'm revising history now

continue this battle and YOU are history. rekt

tyler: I choose to battle because I will win. you are top bitch because youre the only bitch here fucking retard bitch whore sket bitch whore sket fucking std magnet go back to your own country

Caitlin: Matt just asked to type LMAO

what a rem, he may speak now though

fucking twat

Matt : help

Caitlin: I just sneezed type "bless you" in chat

do it in the next five seconds or ur nuked

and clapped

Matt: no

Caitlin:  yes

*matt gets up and walks out of the room*

Caitlin: manz really just left me with a dead server

and didn't even bless me???

*Matt returns because he forgot to bless me*

tyler: matthew is a retard he needs to leave right now get out matt or ill fucking kick you in the neck and balls

also bless you Caitlin even though whores don't usually get blessed. fuckign retard.

Caitlin: bro, have you ever seen that film "All Bitches Go To Heaven"? So yeah, I got fucking blessed.

also if Matt doesn't bless me I'm going to ban you all

kicking him in the balls? that's smut m8.

Matt: Ay

Caitlin: matt didn't even come up with that "Ay" shit on his own,I  did

also anyone else gay for Rachel Riley???

tyler: matthew is fucking gay whyat a fucking retard I hope he gets hung on the cross. im gay becsaudse boys are cute and nice except mattheew fucking retard he will be single forever poor Caitlin.

Caitlin: I gtg, bye

tyler: she values revision over not doing revision because I hate history and will not participate in learning white history fuck history .

Caitlin: That's funny, he hates English too. Did you even read "Checking Out Me History", libtard?

I bet you haven't even read Lovecraft's "Call of Cthulhu*

fucking spazmoid

tyler: English is okay. I like the question 5 on paper 1 the most because I have amazing writing skills.

youre an absolute idiot. checking out me history is the best peoem because we can learn about black history in English.

Caitlin: quit trying to convince our readers that you're  some well-endowed black man

because you're not

tyler: I know

anyways end chapter because I fucking hate you bothe retards this is getting old yall unoriginal

the cida chronicles, featuring matt, tyler and caitlinWhere stories live. Discover now